Mary Jeffcoat

A random Google Search turned up this page

It is possible that this Mary Jeffcoat is the mother of the Mary Jeffcoat who married Joseph Naylor the parents of William Naylor.  I’ll need to check the dates more throughly.

The link has this content

The Will of Mary Jeffcoat

This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Jeffcoat of Aylesbury in the County of Bucks Widow as followeth Ffirst I give and devise unto my ffriends William Littleboy of Bourne End Mill in the Parish of [blank] in the County of Hertford Mealman and John Wheeler of Aylesbury aforesaid Grocer All that my Messuage or Tenement wherein I now dwell situate and being in Walton Street in Aylesbury aforesaid in the said County of Bucks with the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging and all other my real estate within the Kingdom of Great Britain To hold unto the said William Littleboy and John Wheeler and their heirs In trust nevertheless to sell the same for the most money which can be reasonably gotten either by public auction or private Contract and to convey the same and every part thereof for all such estate and interest which I shall be seized or possessed of in or to that same to and for the use of such purchaser or purchasers thereof and I hereby direct that the receipt or receipts of my Trustees the said William Littleboy and John Wheeler or the survivor of the m or of the heirs of such survivor shall be good and sufficient discharges or discharge to such purchaser or purchasers for such purchase money or any part thereof and that such purchaser or purchasers shall not be obliged to see to the application of such purchase money or of any part thereof And I direct that such purchase money so to be paid to my said Trustees shall be considered by them and go as part of my personal estate and I give and bequeath unto the said William Littleboy and John Wheeler All and singular my money and securities for money rents goods chattels rights credits and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever In trust to convert the same into money and thereout to pay my just debts testamentary and funeral expenses and the residue or surplus arising from my said personal estate to add to the money arising from my said real estate and the amount thereof or component sum to divide into eight equal parts and to pay four equal parts thereof as soon as conveniently may be unto and between my sons John Jeffcoat and Daniel Jeffcoat and my daughters Ann the wife of Samuel Purser and Mary the wife of Joseph Naylor share and share alike and to pay Interest or Dividends to arise from one other equal eighth part of the said component sum unto my daughter Hannah the wife of William Ffreeman for and during the term of her natural life and for her own use and to be at her disposal without any control over the same by the said William Ffreeman and I direct the same to be paid half yearly if possible and that her receipt along shall be sufficient discharge from time to time for the same And from and immediately after her decease Then in trust to pay the said interest or dividends thereof unto or for the use of all and every her Children or Child during their his or [her] minority and as they severally shall attain the age of twenty one years to pay the principal or said one eighth part unto and among them or equally share and share alike if more than one or to such one and in case they should all die and leave any lawful Issue then I direct the said principal to be paid for the maintenance and education of such Issue as my Trustees shall in their discretion think fit and in case my said daughter Hannah Freeman should leave no child or children to attain the age of twenty one years or any lawful Issue thereof as aforesaid Then I direct the said one eighth part to go and be considered as a part of the said component sum or residue of my said personal estate and in trust to pay Interest or Dividends to arise from one other equal eighth part of the said component sum unto my daughter Martha the wife of George Coolin for and during the term of her natural life to and for her own use and to be at her disposal without any control over the same by the said George Coolin and I direct the same be paid half yearly if possible and that her receipt alone shall be a sufficient discharge from time to time for the same and from and immediately after her decease Then in trust to pay the said interest or dividends thereof unto or for the use of all and every her Children or Child during their his or her minority and as they severally shall attain the age of twenty one years to pay the principal or the said one eight part unto and amongst them equally share and share alike if more than one or to such one and in case they should all die and leave any lawful issue Then I direct that the said principal shall be paid for the maintenance and education of such Issue as my Trustees shall in their discretion think fit and in case may said daughter Martha Coolin should leave no child or children to attain the age of twenty one years or any Issue thereof as aforesaid Then I direct the said one eight part to go and be considered as part of the said component sum or residue of my said personal Estate and In trust to pay interest or dividends to arise from one other eight part of the said component sum unto my granddaughters Mary and Rebecca Freeman) the daughters of my late daughter Rebecca Freeman) or to the survivor of them during her or their minority and as they severally shall attain the age of twenty one years to pay the principal or the said one eight part unto them share and share alike or the whole to the survivor of them and in case they or either of them should die and leave lawful issue Then I direct the said principal to be paid for the maintenance and education of such Issue as my said Trustees shall in their discretion think fit and in case my said Granddaughters or either of them should die Minors and leave no such lawful Issue Then I direct the said principal or the said one eight part to go and be considered as part of the said component sum or residue of my said personal estate and in trust to pay interest or dividends to arise from the residue eighth part of the said component sum unto my Granddaughter Hannah Hemmings (the daughter of my daughter Sarah Hemmings) during her minority and when she shall have attained the age of twenty one years to pay the principal or the said eighth part unto her my said Granddaughter and in case she should die and leave lawful Issue Then I direct the said principal to be paid for the maintenance and education of such Issue as my said Trustees shall in their discretion think fit And in case she my said Granddaughter Hannah Hemmings should die a minor and leave no such lawful Issue then I direct the said principal or eighth part to go and be considered as part of the said component sum or residue of my said Personal Estate and I hereby direct that in case any of the eighth parts or shares of the said component sum arising from my said real and Personal Estate shall (by the decease of any of my Legatees hereinbefore named dying Minors and without lawful issue as aforesaid become vested? or as part of the residue of my personal estate that the same shall then from time to time accordingly as such Legacy shall lapse be equally divided among the remainder of my said Legatees who shall be then living and paid in the like manner which I have hereinbefore severally and respectively prescribed and in case any or either of my said Legatees shall choose to take any of my household goods Linen or Wearing Apparel at a fair appraisement Then I direct that the same shall go towards and be considered as part of his her or their respective legacy or legacies and lastly I hereby constitute and make appoint the said William Littleboy and John Wheeler joint Executors of this my Last Will and Testament and I hereby revoke and make void all former Wills whatsoever by me made and published and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament and I hereby order and direct my said Trustees and Executors to repay themselves all costs charges and expenses which they respectively shall sustain or be put unto in the execution of the trusts hereby in them reposed and that they shall not be answerable for any more money or effects than shall come to their hands by virtue of this my will nor for any insufficiently or deficiency of any Security so as the same? happen not by their or either of their wilful neglect or default and that one of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the acts receipts neglects or defaults of the other of them but such only for his own acts receipts? neglects or defaults respectively In Witness whereof I the said Mary Jeffcoat to this my last Will and Testament contained in four sheets of paper have to the four first sheets thereof set my hand and to this last my hand and seal the sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one Mary Jeffcoat (signed) Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Mary Jeffcoat the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the said Testatrix and of each other William Bull (signed) B J Sailthorp


Proved at London 9th April 1829 before the worshipful Jesse? Addams Dr of Laws and Surre by William Littleboy and John Wheeler the Executors to whom admon was granted the said William Littleboy having first made a solemn and sincere Declaration or Affirmation according to an act of parliament the said John Wheeler having been first sworn duly to admin.

 Further Googling leads to the site

What we get from here is that Mary here was Mary Eaton – born 1754 and died July 23, 1828 in Aylesbury, Bucks, England  She was married to Joseph Jeffcoat – born 1735 Of Upper Wincheondon, Bucks, England  and died July 19, 1806 in Upper Wincheondon, Bucks, England.  They had a daughter Mary who became Mary Naylor born November 17, 1782

Further looking gets Joseph Jeffcoat’s will

The Will of Joseph Jeffcoat

 This is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph Jeffcoat of Upper Winchendon in the County of Bucks ffarmer as follows (that is to say) ffirst and I give and devise unto my son John Jeffcoat and unto my ffriends Richard Littleboy of Berkhamstead in the County of Hertford Mealman and Joseph White of Chesham in the said County of Bucks Gentleman all that my messuage or Tenement with two Cottages and about twenty acres of Land be the same more or less situate and being in the parish of Waddesdon in the said County of Bucks with the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging which premises I purchased of Richard Smith John Walduck and Sarah his Wife to hold the same premises with the appurtenances unto my said Son John Jeffcoat and the said Richard Littleboy Joseph White their heirs and assigns for ever In Trust nevertheless to permit and suffer my Loving Wife Mary Jeffcoat to hold and enjoy the same and to receive the rents issues and profits thereof for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease then In Trust to sell and dispose of the same premises for the most money that can reasonably be got for the same (either by Private Contract or public Auction and to divide and pay the money thereby arising as soon as conveniently may be unto and among my sons William Jeffcoat and Daniel Jeffcoat and my daughters Mary the wife of Joseph Nailor and Hannah Jeffcoat Rebecca Jeffcoat and Martha Jeffcoat share and share alike severally and respectively as they have attained or shall attain their respective ages of twenty one years and in case either of my said Sons William Jeffcoat and Daniel Jeffcoat or any or either of my said Daughters Mary Nailor Hannah Jeffcoat Rebecca Jeffcoat and Martha Jeffcoat shall happen to die unmarried or without leaving lawful issue before his her or their respective Legacy or Legacies shall become payable My Will and mind is that the share or shares of him her or them so dying shall go to and be equally divided among the Survivors or Survivor of them And I do hereby Direct that the Receipt or receipts of my said son John Jeffcoat and the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the heirs of such Survivor shall be a sufficient discharge or sufficient discharges to the purchaser or purchasers of the said premises or any part thereof for such purchase money and who shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof Also I give and bequeath unto my said wife Mary Jeffcoat absolutely and at her disposal all and singular my Linen Plate China and Household Goods and Supplements of Household Except brewing and dairy utensils to be retained by or delivered to her as soon as conveniently may be after my decease also I give and bequeath unto my said Son William Jeffcoat the Sum of One hundred pounds of lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland current in Great Britain to be paid to him by my Executors hereinafter named out of my personal Estate within six months next after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Jeffcoat the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of like lawful money to be paid to him by my Executors hereinafter named out of my said personal Estate within six months next after my decease or after he shall have attained his age of twenty one

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years but in case he shall happen to die unmarried or without having lawful Issue before the same shall become payable then

I direct the same Legacy to merge and be considered as part of the rest and residue of my personal estate Also I give and bequeath unto my said son John Jeffcoat and to the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White the sum of two hundred pounds of like lawful money immediately after my decease to be retained out of my said Personal Estate upon Trust to put and place the same out at interest on Government or other good security and to pay the Interest or Dividends thereof unto my Daughter Sarah Hemmings widow towards supporting herself and maintaining and educating her three children and when they or the survivor of them shall have attained their his or her age of twenty one years then In Trust to pay one hundred pounds part thereof to them my said daughters three children or to the survivors or survivor of them share and share alike if more than one and I direct the interest or dividends of one hundred pounds residue thereof to be paid unto my daughter Sarah for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease then I direct the principal sum of One hundred pounds to be paid in like manner unto and among her said children or the survivors or survivor of them and in case all her said Children shall die in her life time and under the said age unmarried or without leaving lawful issue my Will is that my said daughter Sarah shall then be entitled to the Interest or Dividends of the whole of the said sum of two hundred pounds for and during her said life And then after her decease I direct the same to become part of the rest and residue of my said personal Estate Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann the wife of Samuel Purser in case she shall have a child within twelve months next after my decease but not otherwise the sum of fifty pounds of like lawful money to be paid her out of my said personal estate by my Executors herein after named within six months next after my Decease or from the time she shall have a child as aforesaid Also I give and devise unto my said son John Jeffcoat and the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White all that my Cottage or Tenement with the appurtenances situate in Waddesdon aforesaid which I purchased of the Widow Muddiman to hold the same unto my said son John

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Jeffcoat and the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White their heirs and assigns for ever in Trust Nevertheless to sell and dispose of the same Premises for the most money that fan be reasonably got for the same either by private Contract or Public Auction and to apply the money thereby arising in and of and as part of the rest and residue of my said personal Estate and I do hereby direct that the receipt or receipts of my said son John Jeffcoat and the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White or the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs of such survivor shall be a sufficient discharge or sufficient discharges to a purchasor or purchasors of the said premises for such purchase money and who shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof But my Will is that if either of my said sons or daughters shall chuse to take the said Cottage or Tenement at a fair appraisement in part of his or her share of the rest and residue of my said personal Estate then I do hereby revoke this devise to my said son John Jeffcoat and the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White of the said Cottage or Tenement And I then give and devise the same cottage or tenement with appurtenances unto such of my said Sons or Daughters making such choice in part of his or her share of the reset and residue of my said Personal Estate as aforesaid and to his or her heirs or assigns for ever Also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Mary my said son John my said Daughter Mary and the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White all my Estate and Interest in the ffarm at Upper Winchendon aforesaid which I rent of the Duke of Marlborough and all my stock of Cattle Corn Grain and Hay my Brewing Dairy and Husbandry Utensils and all the rest and residue of my money goods chattels rights Credits and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever Upon Trust to cause an inventory and appraisement thereof be made and taken as from as conveniently may be after my decease and thereunto thereof or the value of the same unto my said sons John Jeffcoat William Jeffcoat and Daniel Jeffcoat and my said daughters Mary Hannah Rebecca and Martha equally between them the shares of such of my said sons and daughters as shall have at the time of my decease attained their ages of twenty one years to be severally paid within six months next after my decease and the shares of such of them as were then survivors at the time of my decease

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to be severally paid to them one half part or the whole thereof as they severally attain their respective ages of twenty one years as they my residuary Trustees in their discretion shall think fit and when the youngest of my said Sons and Daughters shall have attained his or her said age then to pay the whole of such shares unto such of them who received only part or none before and in the meantime and until all my Children shall have attained their respective ages of twenty one years as aforesaid upon trust to permit and suffer my said Wife and son John or either of them to continue in the Business and who I desire may carry on and manage the same in order to bring up my Younger Children and after paying all the said shares and the charges and expenses of Bringing up my said Younger Children if any thing shall remain which shall have been gained by business I then give and bequeath the same unto my said Wife my said sons John William and Daniel and my said daughters Mary Hannah Rebecca and Martha to be equally divided between them and in case any or either of my said residuary Legatees shall happen to die unmarried and without Children before his her or their said share or shares shall become due or payable then I give and bequeath the share or shares of such of them so dying unto the survivor or survivors of them to be equally divided between them and my will and meaning is and I do herby direct that all such Sum or Sums of money which I have already given or advanced or here after shall give or advance to all or either of my said Residuary Legatees and reduced into writing and subscribed by me shall in making a division of the rest and residue of my said personal Estate be considered as part of their his or her respective shares or share of the rest and residue of my said personal Estate and I appoint my said wife my said son John and my said daughter Mary Guardians for such of my said Children who are Minors during their respective Minorities and my Will is and I do hereby expressly direct my said residuary Trustees to exercise their judgment in continuing my said wife and younger children jointly in the ffarm with my said son John during the minority of such children or removing them but I particularly desire they may be properly provided for and taken care of and when the youngest of them shall have attained his or her age of twenty one years my Will is that my said son John shall have the preference of occupying the said ffarm for his own use and lastly I hereby make constitute and appoint my said wife my said son John my said daughter Mary and the said Richard Littleboy and Joseph White to whom out of the residue of my said personal estate before any distribution be thereout made the sum of ten pounds each which I give them for their trouble in acting as Trustees and Executors of this my Will and that they and my other trustees and Executors shall and may reimburse themselves respectively out of my said personal estate all such costs charges and expenses as they or either of them shall expend or be put unto in or about the performance of this my Will or the execution of the Trusts hereby in them reposed and that they or either of them shall not be answerable for any more of my money or personal estate than shall actually come to their respective hands or for any loss that may happen provided it not be through their own wilful neglect or default nor the one of them for the other of them or for the receipts or acts defaults of the other of them but each only for his or her own receipts acts or defaults respectively And I hereby revoke and make void all former wills whatsoever by me made and published and declare this only to be my last will and testament

In witness whereof I the said Joseph Jeffcoat the Testator to this my last Will and testament containing six sheets of paper have to the five first sheets thereof set my hand and to this last my hand and seal the twenty ffirst day of FFebruary in the forty ffourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King defender of the ffaith and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four

(signed Joseph Jeffcoat

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Joseph Jeffcoat the Testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as Witnesses in the

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presence of the said Testator and of each other

Charles Haddon Clerk to Messrs Bull

Francis Rogers Servant to Mr Bull

William Bull of Aylesbury Attorney at Law


I the within named Joseph Jeffcoat do desire this writing to be taken and received as and for a codicil to my last Will and Testament within written (that is to say) Whereas in and by my said Will I have bequeathed unto my daughter Ann the wife of Samuel Purser in case she should have a Child within twelve months next after my decease but not otherwise the sum of ffifty pounds Now I do hereby remove such restrictions and desire that the said sum of ffifty pounds shall be paid her within six months next after my decease whether she shall have a child or not and whereas in and by my said Will I have bequeathed my Son William the sum of one hundred pounds Now I do hereby give and bequeath unto him my said son William the further sum of one hundred pounds to be paid within six months after my decease Also I do hereby give and bequeath unto my son John the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid to him within six months next after my decease Also I do hereby give and devise unto my Daughter Martha all that my copyhold close of meadow or pasture ground situate in the parish of Aylesbury in the County of Bucks with the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging and which I have lately been admitted to and surrender to the use of my Will To hold the same unto my said daughter Martha her heirs and assigns for ever and I direct that the value thereof may be added to the Valuation and produce of the rest and residue of my personal estate and the amount of such value of the said close be deducted from her share of the said rest and residue of my said personal estate And whereas in and by my said will I have directed my trustees to permit and suffer my Wife and my said son John or either of them to continue the ffarm and Business during the Minority of my youngest child for the bringing up of my ffamily and then for my said son John to have the preferrance of occupying the same Now I do hereby direct that my said Wife shall have and enjoy the said ffarm (with the Consent of my Landlord) and also the

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use of the stock for and during the term of her natural life for the purpose in my said will mentioned and I hereby direct that my said son John shall have no power over the said farm during the life of my said wife and that he shall not at any time have the privilege of occupying the same soley for his own use But my will is now that my said son John and my son Daniel shall jointly be intitled to occupy the said ffarm immediately after the decease of my said Wife or in case she shall in her life time voluntarily resign up her right and discontinue the Business then next after such resignation for the use and purpose of bringing up my said ffamily as in my said Will is expressed and from and immediately after the youngest of my children shall attain his or her age of twenty one years then my said Sons John and Daniel to occupy the ffarm for their own separate use and benefit and I hereby ratify and confirm every other part of my said will so ffar as this Codicil doth not supersede or interfere with In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteen day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six Joseph Jeffcoat

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Joseph Jeffcoat the Testator as and for a Codicil to his said Will in the presence of us who subscribed our hands as witnesses in the presence of the said Testator and of each other

Joseph Crooke

James Nash

William Bull


This Will was proved at London with a Codicil the first Day of September in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six before the Worshipful Samuel Pearce Parson Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Honorable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by Mary Jeffcoat Widow the relict John Jeffcoat the Son Richard Littleboy and Joseph White four of the Executors named in the Will to whom administration was granted having first made a solemn and sincere declaration of affirmation according to act of parliament duly to administer Mary Naylor by mistake in the will written Nailor (wife of Joseph Naylor (the daughter and other executor having first renounced
