Building – Thurs 11th Oct

Martin and Neil turn up – Kitchen gets dismantled.

Then electrician – Kevin and another electrician James who start disconnecting the electrics.

Utility room is gutted.  Old damp on back wall – seems dry now.

Calvin the plumber comes tomorrow.

Kevin suggests electrics in the fuse box are replaced with RCB – residual current breakers – especially as the wiring from the ceiling of the kitchen has been eaten my mice.  I said that is OK  – go ahead – cost not quite clear as some allowance had already been made in Kevin’s estimate to Richard.

Martin loosens end of pipe from utility to loo to check is water or gas.  Finds water but not not quite seal the end so drips overnight.  Not sure where it is coming from.

Pipe in ceiling on top LHS seems to be an safety release pipe going outside and gain no one quite sure what it is connected to but is it left.

Kevin mentioned he has a good deal on Sonus currently.

Cooker is installed in utility room as wiring stretches there better.

A wasp next (old) is found in the roof of the kitchen.