Misc changes to the OMV server and useful commands

Made lots of minor changes to the ‘box’ recently while recovering from hip replacement.

  • Updated to version 2.0.0 which needed a fix to the configuration.yaml
  • Still using usbip to contact the zigbee controller on the Pi running on 192.xxx.xxx.220
  • can use this
    ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
    to discover the location of the controller on the OMV server pointing to the Pi.  Pi uses usbipd service and using
    useful in location of the zigbee controller.
Find files of certain size

find .m4v -size +200M

find files by name and move them

sudo find -name *.m4v -exec mv “{}” /media/6f326f9f-b1a4-484c-b6d6-e8768b9eee3e \;

size can be added too…..

sudo find -name *.m4v -size +200M -exec mv “{}” /media/6f326f9f-b1a4-484c-b6d6-e8768b9eee3e \;

Ports in use

This command useful
sudo lsof -i:ppp
where ppp is the port e.g. sudo lsof -i:443

Stop mails in crontab

put MAILTO=”” infront to the the cron

Stop things writing to the syslog
  1.  owlmqtt service – commented out the echo
  2. crontab as above of the Cron running every 5 mins from NextCloud
  3. removed checking of ssh from monit as this was causing an entry from in the syslog every time it was checked.
run command inside docker container

sudo docker exec -u root -it dashy /bin/bash -c ‘yarn validate-config’

/bin/bash might be /bin/sh depending on the container

look for string in folder and lower files

grep -r . -e “string”

Added to Docker-Compose
  1. New version of bitwarden
  2. portainer
  3. watchtower
  4. vaultwarden – to access old bitwarden database
  5. plex
  1. beets

needed to move some salt python modules on the installed pyenv to the local python3 libraries used from sudo.  Tried to do this properly and gave up after 2 days  Needed to be able to run omv-salt command

removed k3s service – Kubernet was a plug in installed and removed but left the service behind

remove podman service – Podman was a plug in installed and removed but left the service behind


sudo -u root wget -O – https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/packages/raw/master/install | bash

OMV notifications

used one of the email addresses for zen after trying to use SMTP for both google mail and outlook and finding they no longer support simple SMTP authentication!!

OMV – run the update which is done after a change in the command line

useful when it fails and you want to ‘watch’ the fail.

sudo omv-rpc -u admin “Config” “applyChanges” “{\”modules\”: $(cat /var/lib/openmediavault/dirtymodules.json), \”force\”: true}”


Tidied up the various php services running.  Stupidly remove php-pam which mucked up the login for openmediavault and required an omv remove and install.  reinstall did not fix.

nginx and certbot

Updating certificates

use command below (-v is verbose and useful)

sudo certbot –nginx -v