Radley Letters

Letters from Radley 1943-1945 contents

Summer Term 1943.
Winter Term 1943.
Spring Term 1944.
Summer term 1944.
Winter Term 1944.
Spring Term 1945.
Summer Term 1945.
Winter Term 1945.

These are all letters sent to my parents from school 

Summer term 1943

April 30th
I got here safely and on time.  When I got to Paddington I found that my trunk was not on the train so I searched up and down the platform but I could not find it.  Then when I got here I found it amongst a number of other trunks, so it is all right.

The place looks very nice and is right in the country.  We have to make our own beds.  I have a cubicle (i.e. a place where we sleep and keep our clothes) with Soames, a boy from St Pirans who came here about two years ago.  He has not come back yet because a horse trod on his leg or something.  The cubicles are quite nice.  The beds aren’t bad.  In the cubicle we have a chest-a-drawers each where we keep our clothes.  I had quite a good journey up here.

Please could you send me my Geometry set you will find it in a green box on my dressing table and my dividers which are in the sitting room on one of the tables.  Also could you send me some blotting paper.  If you look in my bottom draw you will see a red atlas in that Atlas is an envelope with the Oundle crest on it and it is in there.

You were wrong about my not having supper about 6 o’clock because we do have it at about 6.30.

I haven’t been doing much today (Saturday).  The form that I am in is Shell B1, if that conveys anything to you, it doesn’t much to me.

Please could you send me the nail scissors which I think you forgot to send me.

The place is quite nice and fairly modern.  Nothing much has happened yet.

You could send me some marmite and some Chocolate Spread.      S.O.S.  Could you send me my belt.  Sorry you having to send all these things.

May 6th
I like it very much here and I am very happy.  I gave the chit about the bicycle into the Shop on Tuesday and when I went in today they said they had got one for me, which was pretty quick.

The house is the biggest,[1] we get hot water 3 days a week and a bath once a week.  We have about 3 cold baths a day, 1 when we get up, 1 after P.T., and the other after games, it isn’t really as bad as it sounds.  We can get cakes at the Shop.  We can’t get cereals, also I got 5 chocolate biscuits to-day which weren’t bad.

Could you somehow or other get a bicycle-bell, if you can’t I may be able to get one in Oxford or Abingdon.  Don’t really bother about it only if you happen to see one could you get it please.

Our cold baths have been reduced to 2.

My clothes are all right.  Although it is a little difficult to manage without a sweater.  I found my nail scissors in the Elastoplast box.  I don’t think you need send any blue shorts the others will be all right.

On Friday, I think it was, I went out sculling but I didn’t get on very well and yesterday I went rowing and got on much better.  The sandwiches were alright thank you.

May 30th
When we get up in the morning we put on games clothes and sweater.  If we have low necked sweaters we either wear ties or scarves.  It would be very nice if you could send me a scarf.

We can have any kind of Pullovers here which will be a help in the winter.

Wednesday was field-day.  In the Morning we saw war films and one called ‘Wavell’s 30,000’ but none of them were much good.  In the afternoon some person came down from the war office and we had to do a P.T. display and also we had an inspection.  We didn’t do any work at all which was good.

Yesterday there was a ‘Marionette Show’ which was very good indeed and well worth seeing although it was very hot.  I am very glad I saw it.

I have been doing quite a lot of swimming this week.  The weather has been lovely all week but it is not nice today.

Don’t worry about the things I asked for in the last letter that are on points .[2] I haven’t bought myself any bathing draws for myself yet I will get one Tomorrow probably.

I should love a couple of small tins of soup it would be very nice if you could send one or two.

I wish I was at home with all that salmon and chickens and everything else.

Tell Dennis I saw a Spitfire 3.  There is no doubt about it.  It was circling round and saw it again in the afternoon.  I have also seen a spitfire 6, a thunderbolt and a Liberator, which is quite good.

The stamp on your envelope has not been stamped so I can use it again.

I got a belt from shop the other day.  It is quite a nice one.  I hope you don’t mind.  I really needed 2.  Because I need one on my shorts and another on my longs.  So I am preserving my braces.

There is a notice about the day you are allowed out which is called ‘Gaudy’.  I doubt very much if you can come down.  But I don’t really mind.  There is whole holiday on Ascension day.  I am going on the river with a couple of friends.

P.S.  I had a nice swim and a tea by the river to-day.

If you could send me the saddle-bag which is in the loft at the top of the stairs on the right.  It belongs to Pa I think. [3] .  I saw rather an amusing thing the other day.  You know Simon rolls on his back when he has been brushed.  Well I saw a large cart horse doing it.

June 4th
I got your letter safely and the many parcels.  You shouldn’t have sent me all those soups.  I will never be able to eat them all.  I got 2 tins of Heinz soups the other day at Shop because I hoped you were only going to send one or at the most two tins, but still the more the merrier.  You shouldn’t have sent those eggs because I can get them here.  I am afraid three were cracked, one of which had leaked a bit, the other 2 were a bit cracked.  The 4th  was perfectly whole.  I will cook the 3th  cracked this week and the forth next week.

The scarf will be very useful.  Thank you very much for it.  Where did you get it from.

Yesterday was Ascension day and we had a whole Holiday.  The weather had turned rainy on the Wednesday and it stayed rainy yesterday and to-day.  Two friends and myself  bicycled into Oxford and we got a small punt and went up from Oxford till about 2 miles before Radley which is quite a long way.  It was raining on and off.  On the way back I spied a punt drifting down stream.  So we tied it onto our boat and pulled it down to the lock and gave it to the lock-man who said it belonged to some fishermen.  The last part of the way to the lock when we were towing the punt we had to get onto the bank and tow it along.  Then when we were at the lock we saw some Oxford rowing eights just starting off which was quite interesting.

Then we went on back to Oxford.  It was annoying that it was early closing because I could have done some shopping.  Then we bicycled back here which only takes about half an hour.

As I was doing nothing in Games to-day I bicycled into Oxford with Soames.  I got some Betox (a sort of Marmite) and also we looked over a Wings for Victory R.A.F. show which was quite good.

On Wednesday there were only 2 lessons because a lot of people were being confirmed.  I went to the service and it was very interesting.

All the parents of the boys who are being confirmed are allowed to come\and see them and take them out that day and the next as it was Ascension.  So I should definitely like to be confirmed in the summer.

I had a very good tea to-day.  Some Fried egg and toast and some kidney soup which were very good.  Also I hard-boiled the other 2 cracked eggs and no white came from either which was pretty good.  So I have one egg left, the uncracked one which I will eat next week.

June 12th
I am getting on well with my work thank you and I am finding it quite easy.

I hope you got my p.c. all right.  I wrote it in a great hurry.  The address I need is the address of the milk-man who has got the milk slip out of my ration book.  I hope it wasn’t Taken out at St Pirans; it may have been.  If so I will have to write there I suppose.

Dennis must be pleased at the way his bird’s egg collection is progressing.  Gull’s eggs, House sparrows’ ,hedge sparrows  and pewits and Wheatear’s eggs (which by the way is the name of our Social Matron, although it isn’t spelt the same way).

If you have any cereals or Golden Syrup to spare they will be welcomed.

Yesterday the Eastbournians acted part of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ which was very good.  It was very nearly the same as Form 1 (at St Pirans) acted last term.

Oxford Regatta was to-day and we only had 3 periods.  We bicycled into Oxford to watch the regatta which the first two Radley eights are taking part.  The Radley eights got on well but they didn’t win.

I have been bathing some more this week.  It is a pity Dennis can’t bathe with Mumps. 

Could you send me a bike-pump.  I think you can get one from a Bike-shop called ‘Dunlop’ in Bridgend.  I will draw a map of the place to show you where it is.  You would get decent ones there.

P.S.                         I had a nice tea of poached egg and Mulligatawny Soup which was stronger than any curry I have tasted.


June 22nd
Do you know when the stockings will come, it is a bit difficult with only two pairs.

We are allowed out on June 26 (Sunday).  That is the only special day you can see me but I think you can come any Sunday.

I bathed yesterday a bit in the River.  And to-day I took another swimming test in which we had to swim across the river and back in gym-shoes, socks, shirt and trousers and I passed it all right, there is only one more test, in which you have to swim across the river and back in bathing draws, after we have done that I will be allowed to go across the river and use the diving boards over there.

By the way do you think I could get a pair of bathing draws from the Shop because yesterday when I was taking mine off, I put my fingers through in two places, they were so rotten and someone else has got a pair from Shop and he said they were very nice.  I believe they are a pair of my St Pirans ones somewhere at home, but they aren’t very nice ones.

It was very nice to get a letter from Dennis.  I can just imagine him smoking cigars with Michael.  I hope you enjoyed them!!  Congratulations on getting all those eggs, you must have a good collection by now.

I am really enjoying my sculling and I think I am getting on well.

Could you send me my ‘Everyman’s Dictionary’ it is either in my room or in the Sitting room.  If you can’t find that I think there is another small one under my ‘Doctor Dolittle’ bookcase.

I am very happy here and I am enjoying myself very much.  The corn-flakes are very good indeed but they go so quickly even if I have them every other day.  I should need about 5 or 6 packets per term.  If you could send me some more, it would be lovely.  I finished my syrup last week and it was very good indeed.

Our Wings for Victory week started yesterday and there was a concert in Hall, but it wasn’t very good, it was 6d or 1/- entrance fee and we were given a savings stamp.  There was a bomb, the Radley bomb there and we all stuck our stamps on and it got fairly covered.  One thing in the concert wasn’t bad.

P.S.                         Its very nice on Sundays, because we are allowed to use the gas rings to cook anything we want, we can get eggs from the farm, near here, I got 2 to-day and I am going to hard-boil them and eat them during the week.  If you have any sardines, baked beans or any tinned stuff I should love it.

Could you send me a knife, fork and fairly small spoon please if it is’ too much trouble.

 Undated but around this week
I expect Dennis is jolly pleased at getting all those Gulls eggs.  About the Mug please don’t send me a bakelite one because they break but if you could get an enamel one could you please send it.  I have done quite a lot of sculling and I am enjoying it very much indeed.

My Bike is a very nice one and I am looking after it well

I have read ‘Owd Bob’ and I thought it extremely good  indeed.  We were in quarantine for scarlet fever but we come out to-day so I hope no one gets it to-day.

 Undated but must be here

Thank you very much for the 15/- which arrived safely.  I have used the ten shillings now and am not in debt any longer.  The boots I got with them are they right size or a little on the big side which is best.

If you have had my blue coat cleaned it would be very useful here, because we can wear anything like that.  I think it would be clean enough even if it wasn’t cleaned

It is a pity you can’t get golden syrup now.  It was so useful.

I didn’t have to write to St Pirans because I remember who we used to get the milk from there.  You seem to have a lot of adventures with gulls this term.  What with gulls eggs and dead gulls etc.

Yesterday there were ‘Novice’ sculling races.  Wet bobs (this is the name for those who row as opposed to dry bobs who play cricket) were divided up into Senior I, Senior II, Middle I, Middle II, Junior I, Junior II, Novice I, Novice II.  Yesterday the Novices I and II raced.  It is done by timing.  You start off at a certain time and you are timed how long you take to do the course.  I don’t know the times yet but I will tell you as soon as I know.  I am in the Novices II.

Have you got any Gooseberries yet this year.  I hope you can get some because you have got about 10 lbs of sugar haven’t you.  So you can make a lot of jam.  Do bottle some because they are very useful to bring back!!!

I had a very nice ‘tea’ yesterday of soup and new potatoes.

June 28th

17lbs of  Jam, what a lovely thought.  I always love your gooseberry Jam.

I was 27 in the Novices race out of about 50 people.  I took 5 min 15 secs.  Also after that there are two separate races, Novice I sculling races, Novice II sculling races.  It is a ‘knock out’ competition if you know what that is.  You should.  Anyhow two people are chosen for each lot of races from each Social, I was one of the two for Novice II, much to my surprise.

My race was on Monday against Moreton, I beat him much to my surprise, I took 5 mins, 10 secs, 5 secs shorter than my last go. 

Then I had to race someone else on Tuesday and I beat him again surprisingly.  I took 4 mins 42 secs.

The next day I had to race someone out of my own social but I kept on ramming the bank and he beat me easily.  But I got into the semi-finals which I have just told you about.  The person who beat me had one more race and won the Novice II so our social won it anyway.

To-morrow is Gaudy.  I expect I shall find plenty to do.

I am longing for the Holidays which are in only one months time and then two whole months!

July 3rd
I got the jacket and corn-flakes, thank you.

I haven’t told you yet but we get ice-cream here about twice a week which is lovely.  The other week (on Gaudy) we had ice-cream and cherries and one day we had ice-cream and strawberries (very few of them) I found three.

The Social fours (rowing) are in about three weeks time, we have got 6 fours which is pretty good, all our wet-bobs except for about two are in them, I am in the sixth four.        

 About 60 fortresses[4] came over here this morning from a raid, a terrific noise is going on above my head which I expect is fortresses.  I’ve just looked out they were fortresses about twenty of them just in sight.

The weather here this week has been lovely and I had a nice long bathe yesterday.  I had quite a good tea to-day.

Undated but about July 10th

I have just bought a copy of ‘The Concise Oxford Dictionary’ for 4/9 which is very cheap.

I am still in the 6th four.  I have heard that we are going to race another Social 5th IV so we will have to race hard.

Do you think Pa could sell me back the fountain pen I sold him about two holidays ago.  I have lost mine, but am still looking for it, And this pen I have brought, which is pretty awful as you see.

Could you give me permission to get some travelling money.  You see if you give us written permission with a stated amount, and I suppose it will be put on the bill.

There are only two more weeks now the term seems to have gone very quickly.

We had ice cream and Strawberry jam for lunch to-day.  I had 3 bits of buttered toast and jam and some Asparagus soup for tea to-day which were very good.

I am reading ‘Rebecca’ (Daphne Du Maurier) which is very good, I think.

Undated, about July 20th
Dear Mox and Pox and Herr Michaelovitch VIII,

I hope you very well (I very much doubt it by the letter, especially H.M.VIII).  No wonder Michael has been sent on leave if he’s like that.

The trains home are very nice and they suit me well.  From what I hear we go to bed about 11.30 and get up at 5.00 then we have breakfast.  I can catch the 7.20 from here which gets to Reading at about 8.30, which gives me about an hour and a quarter to wait, but as the train is usually late into Reading about 40 minutes wait!

My behind is very sore from these IV’s, I have been out every day this week and it gets very tiring.  We will race on 20th inst. Of July and if we win again, I think, on the 22nd.

Please could you send me £1 or £1-10s in money please for travelling money (i.e. ticket and luggage).  I think I asked you last week if I could have it from the bill but it is too late now, so please you let me have it as soon as possible.

I went out in a IV yesterday and we rowed over the course and I didn’t feel nearly so worn out at the end of it as when we first went over the course.

I am going to have a bathe to-day, and am going, with most of the social to clear some weeds away out of the river for the Social four which are coming off this week.

I doubt if I will write again unless I write in the middle of the week because I would arrive home before the letter.

I had a lovely tea of four bits of well-margarined toast and marmalade which was very good indeed and some cocoa.

The exams start on Wednesday.  They will be much longer than I have been used to.

P.S.  could you send me one of my nice ties, the one with the foxe’s heads on it.  please


Winter Term 1943

Sept 26th
I got here safely and the trains were very good the 9.40 arrived in London just after 25 to 2.  I found my trunk and got a porter after some time and  I caught the train, to Radley,, which was very crowded but I got a seat from Reading onwards.  The sandwiches and cake were very good and I ate them on the train not in the lavatory!!!!!

I got here safely.  Pa gave me the pen in Bridgend and I am using it now.  I like it very much.  I am looking after a new boy, I hope I am doing it allright.

We started work on Thursday.  I am about 6 forms from the bottom now.  I have got one striped rugger vest and one white one.  I am trying to make do with one striped one but I may have to get another.  I believe I have lost the rest of my year’s sweet ration but don’t worry.  It may be allright and I am not sure.  We can always get another as you did with Pa’s, I hope.

The ticket from Paddington to Radley cost 8/11, could you please send me some or all of it back because that only leaves me with just over a pound also Pa owes me 7/6 so if you could send me a P.O. it would be very nice.

I am the private fag of the same person as last time who is now the head of the school.

We had to do the five-mile-walk on Saturday, for the Physical Efficiency tests for the J.T.C. [5].  I managed to do it in the senior (17-18) time in 48 minutes I think.  We do these Physical Efficiency tests for the first three weeks.  I am longing to play rugger.

Oct 2
Most of this week we have been doing physical efficiency tests.  Some College efficiency tests or standard.  Some army or J.T.C. efficiency tests or standards. 

Last Saturday I told you we had the 5 mile walk which I did in 48 minutes.  This week for the Army standards I have vaulted about 3 feet.  Climbed up 15 feet of rope.  Jumped 6 feet from a standing position.  For the college standards in which I got 5 points for the social which is the most we are allowed to get, each standard counts 1 point.  I have run half a mile in 2 mins 45 secs. 220 yards in 31 secs. 100 yards in 14 secs. High jumped 3ft 9 ins and the last is we have to throw a weight a certain way and a certain distance which I did.

I went into Abingdon to-day.  I bought two pounds of Coxes apples which ARE (not were!!!) very good.

I had my first game of rugger to-day and I scored one try.

One day when you go Rhys Williams sweet shop could you ask them if they have my sweet ration book because I may have left it in there.  I probably haven’t left it there but I may have done.

I don’t think I need any warm pants.  Anyhow not yet.  Do you know if my coat is ready yet?  It should be by now.

The Sports start to-morrow.  Has Michael got any Fives gloves at home?  I should like to try and play it.

October 9th
I expect I will start rugger properly on Monday, I have only played the one game so far.  I am glad to hear Pa’s cold is better.  I had one but I used my Benzedrine inhaler and put tons of Vapex on my handkerchief and it was allright in about two days.

 I got my J.T.C. uniform the Wednesday before last and last Monday I had to wear it, all cleaned up and shining.  The corps boots were much too small, and I got some more, I hope you didn’t mind.  I didn’t have to pay coupons and they are lovely boots size 9 (they hadn’t any 81/2s so I got 9s).

Sports lasted all this week.  I went in for the Junior, 100 and 220 yds and ½ mile.  I came in about 6th or 7th in the half-mile out of about 12 or 14 and 5th or 6th  out of about 9 in the 220 yds.  I don’t know where I came in the 100 yds.  To-day also there was the Relay race.  There are three different ones, Junior, middle and senior.  4 are wanted from each Social for each group.  One of our people was sick or something and I was put in his place.  In the junior our Social was 2nd which counts some points.  but in the middle and seniors we did no good.

We are going to get our jam ration in 1 pound pots, but we have to return the pots, but that is allright, but it does mean we will get quite a lot and I may be able to bring 1 or even two pounds home.

 think I told you we break up on 17th December.  When does Dennis?

I had a very good tea, (I ate a bit too much I have decided).

October 17th
We started rugger on Tuesday.  I am in Junior Colts 1.  So I should be able to get into Junior Colts.  I scored about 2 tries in Games.

In Rugger the Social is divided into two pieces, Junior Social and Senior Social.  There was a Junior Social rugger match on Friday, against another social.  I managed to get into the Junior Social Team.  I also managed to score 2 tries.  We won 34-0 nil.  When you get 30 you retire which we did.  We had 29 then got a try and a convert.

On Tuesday I got 3 letters.  One from Michael.  One from Dennis.  And one From Auntie Marjorie.  She said that she was coming down to Abingdon for a week and would it be possible for me to see her.  So I wrote back to her and said I could see her.  I got a telegram on Saturday night asking me to ring her up which after getting permission I did.  So I rang her up and after getting the wrong number I got through to her.  She said she had engaged a table at the ‘Crown and Thistle’ in Abingdon.  I met her there at 12,00 and we went for a walk along the river for about ¾ an hour.  Auntie Marj went up and stroked a big, black, cart-horse.  Just nearby was a huge white cart-horse.  Which just as we came near rolled on its back and snorted just like Simon.  I could hardly stop laughing.  We then went on and I told her all about our holidays etc. and gave her our new address, but I didn’t give her our telephone number as I wasn’t sure of it.  Is it 65?

We then went back and had lunch which though small was very good.  We had pork, Brussel sprouts, Potatoes (baked) and Gravy. soup and Apple and custard.  There wasn’t much but it was very good.  We also had Ginger beer and coffee afterwards.

We then went for another bicycle ride out of Abingdon to a very pretty little village called Clifton Hampden.  We crossed over a toll bridge and paid for our bikes 2d return.

We went for another walk by the river and back into the village where auntie Marjorie dropped her hat but we found it again.  We went on bicycling for some time and turned back again and had tea at a Place called ‘the Barley Mow’.

We cycled back to Abingdon and I said good-bye and Auntie Marjorie gave me 10/- which was very kind.  I went back here and arrived just in time for Chapel.

After Chapel I went to some films which were for the spotter’s club which I have joined.[6]  They were very good.  They were mostly M. of I. (Ministry of Information) films.  One about the Lofoten Isles, another about Lancasters another about Stalking and a proper short film about guarding your talking, which was amusing.

When I was out with Aunt Marj. I saw a pheasant.  Uncle Alec was very sorry he couldn’t come out from where they were staying as he had a cold.

October 23rd
There was a junior social match last week but we had a bye i.e. there was no-one to play against so we had a practice game. 

I went into Oxford on Wednesday and managed to get Vol II of the count of Monte Cristo but I couldn’t see vol I.  If you see it in Marlow, could you get it please.  It is an Everyman’s library book.

Junior Colts is the team, Junior Colts I and Junior Colts II are games.

There was a Spotters Club meeting yesterday.  There is a new third class test out and we are being shown the planes enlarged on a screen.

Undated but must fit here

I have decided to write this letter in diary from I hope you don’t mind.

It was field (day) to-day.  At breakfast we got our lunch in sandwich form.  The J.T.C. was divided into two parts: 2/5 defence and 3/5 attack.  I am in the defence.  We paraded at 9 o-clock.  We set off at about 20 to 10.  I was a bren-gunner, the bren gun was, I think, an ordinary rifle with a handle for carrying it.  We marched for about 2 ½ hours or so and we got to a hill.  By the way there was a thick fog which lasted till about midday.  When we got there we ate our lunch and got down in positions to defend the hill-top.  Once we got nicely settled down, to move to another place.  Then in about ½ an hour it was ‘zero hour’.  We went on a patrol but we didn’t see any ‘enemy’.  Then after being place and taken away again, we had to go on patrol, but just as the battle begun I got ‘killed’.  There were a lot of bangs and then the enemy came and we had to stop firing.

Then we had, after a fairly long wait, to start marching back again.  By this time it was very hot.  We got back in about 2 hours and changed and rushed over to supper.  I had a good supper with a pudding which we don’t usually have.  Then I lounged about and read till chapel and did the same till bed-time.  I went to bed feeling quite nice and tired.

I had a good night.  There was a thick fog that lasted all day.  In the afternoon we had a practice and game of rugger for a Junior Colts match to-morrow.  The sides were J.Colts V the rest.  I have managed to get into junior colts in the front row of the scrum.  We have a match to-morrow against St Edwards.  We will have to bicycle there.

I had a nice hot bath last night but I couldn’t stay in long. We had a parade instead of P.T. as we do every Wednesday.

I then went to the Social and changed into a suit so as to be prepared to go to Oxford, for the match.  We then bicycled into Oxford, changed and went out onto the pitch.  Their team was a little bigger on the whole, but in the scrum we seemed to push them off the ball quite often.  But they beat us easily 30-0nil.  They had a big right wing who scored most of the tries.  We had tea and came back slowly.

Please could you send me another tin of that ‘COBRA DARK TAN’ boot polish.  I have used about 1 ½ tins so far this term.  There is hardly anything in them.         I saw a grey squirrel during P.T. this morning.  There was a junior social this afternoon.  We easily beat the other team 36 nil.  They had not got a good team, also they had their best person missing.  The game hardly lasted 20 minutes.

I did Manual Labour to-day.  I think I told you what that was.  We did work instead of Games.  To-day I did some tree-cutting which I enjoyed very much for a change.  This evening there were the ‘Dons’ (Masters) plays.  They were very, very good indeed.  Almost all the masters took part.  There is another performance to-morrow (Saturday) night.  The first Perform. was for Eastbourne and the lower forms.  To-morrow’s Perform is the upper forms and the O.R.s (Old Radleians).  To-night there was the film ‘Old Bones of the River’ with Will Hay for the Upper forms and To-morrow night for the Lower forms.

It is O.R.s (old Radleians) day to-day.  Many O.R.s come down and stay the week-end.  It is a whole holiday to-day.  there was a Junior Social match this Morning.  We beat the social we were playing 36 nil.  When we finished it was nearly time.  There was a Rugger Match O.R.s v. the 1st XV.  The 1st XV won but not by much.  We had to watch it; but it was worth watching.  There is nothing much to do till Chapel but after Chapel there is the film.

There is another thing I don’t think I have told you about which happens here.  I expect you remember at St Pirans we used to have industry marks.  Well here we have pluses (+) and minuses (-).  If you do well in a subject you get a + if you do badly you get a -.  The person (or persons) who get the most +‘s take the form list of pluses and minuses to the Warden and the last two weeks I took the list to the Warden.  I saw the film to-night and it was very good and I enjoyed it very much. 

November 1st
You are much too hopeful about my getting into Colts.  I haven’t a hope.  I expect you remember Soames.  Well he was in J. Colts last year and he isn’t in Colts, so I haven’t much hope of being in it.

For Manual labour to-day, I had to brush out some class-rooms which was very easy.  There weren’t any pluses or minuses last week.

I don’t know how but somehow I got into Junior Colts II.  We had a home match against St Edwards which we lost 38 nil.

There was another Junior Social this afternoon which we won 30 nil, it was a hard game and I enjoyed it very much.  I didn’t score a try.  There are only two more matches to play.

I have got a cold today and am off games.  But don’t worry I think it will soon be allright.

I haven’t found my sweet ration book yet.  I don’t know what to do about.

Could you send me a tin of Brown boot polish please as I am running out and the polish here is awful.

I was feeling absolutely rotten yesterday so I got leave off prep last night and went to bed about half past seven.  I am in bed to-day, but do not feel very ill.  Don’t worry, I shall probably get up to-morrow.  I think I have just got a chill.  I have read most of to-day.  As there isn’t much else to do.  I only got off four periods to-day, worst luck!!!!!

I got up to-day, But I am still considered sick.  I was only allowed out for meals.  I enjoyed myself very much.  I read pretty well all day.

I have enjoyed myself to-day and am almost myself again.  But my cold is much worse but don’t worry it will soon clear up.  I missed all the periods to-day and all the preps.

November 14th
I have decide not to write in diary form this week.  The parcel arrive on Saturday afternoon.  It was very nice of you to send the sweets.  Thank you very much indeed.  Also for the boot polish.

Junior Social was cancelled last week.  I don’t know why.  We had a game of rugger instead.  I scored one try.  I was off games till Thursday.  I had my haircut on Wednesday.

I have started reading ‘Lorna Doone’.  this will be the second time I have read it.  I like it very much.

I got five pluses last week but didn’t take the list to the Warden because of my being ill.

I felt rotten again to-day and of course I had to go to bed.  I am not in bed yet but will be soon.  You may get this a bit late if I can’t get it posted.  Don’t worry, I think I will be allright again soon.  It is chiefly a head-ache, but I think I have a chill.  I must have overeaten!  Although I have hardly eaten to-day.  DON’T WORRY. 

I’m afraid I went down to the Infirmary yesterday (i.e. the san).  All I did was read or listen to the wireless.  I heard a tune from the ‘Vagabond King’ which I expect you remember seeing.  Also I heard Monday Night at Eight.  I quite enjoyed myself.  I got up to-day and am now back in the Social so I’m O.K.

21 November
As you probably know by now I am in the infirmary with Jaundice.

I don’t feel many ill effects from it yet.  I had all the usual symptoms last week.  I hadn’t got any appetite and truthfully last week I lost 7 pounds (weight).  I know this because I had to weigh myself last week for the social boxing competition is coming off this week.  Also I had to weigh myself again to-day.  When I first weighed myself I was 10 stone 1 pound and when I weighed myself to-day I was 9 stone 8 lbs.  I don’t feel any ill-effects from this yet.  I don’t feel being ill yet and neither am I very yellow.  I have company of another person in my social who has it.  One person in our social had jaundice at the beginning of the term and I have caught it off him.  I am glad I have it now or I might have got it at Christmas time.  I was off games all last week. 

The worst about having Jaundice is the diet which is no fats allowed.  So I’ll get very thin and skinny!!!  I’ll have to have a chicken for myself when I get back home.  I have just seen a tree-creeper (A bird) creeping up a tree.

November 30th
I was discharged from the Infirmary at 11 o-clock to-day.  Although I haven’t properly recovered yet I was because I am in the way as they are quite full up.  The 2nd chill I had I think was definitely a ‘Jaundice’ chill.  I felt really rotten the week that I was up.  I didn’t feel at all bad once I was in bed.  I had quite a lot of eggs and one orange once but all the same I didn’t enjoy my diet.  The week that I was up and was off my food I lost 7 lbs but you needn’t believe me but it’s true.  I had quite a good time in bed.  I read ‘The Count of Monte Christo’ which I enjoyed very much.  I also looked at a lot of ‘Punch’ annuals they had in the infirmary which were very good.   The time went quite quickly.  We came off our diet on Monday even then we didn’t have any meat.  So now I haven’t had any meat for 9 days now. quite a time. I feel very much better now.

Any news of the sweet ration.

December 5th
The real reason why I came out of the infirmary so early was because they had scarlet fever down there and they didn’t want us to come into contact any more with it.  Anyhow I haven’t got it yet.  thank goodness.  You could send me a little chocolate if you don’t mind, but don’t send the ration book.  You could send me a few peppermint lumps as well if you want.

I am going to be head of Social Hall[7]  next term.  Tutor told me last term.

Could you send me some travelling money.  The ticket last time cost £1 I think.  it was a half single.  This time I will need a whole-return so could you send what you think is necessary.  I am not certain but it may have cost 10/-.  I don’t know yet but I was thinking of going to St Pirans unless they have broken up when I break up.  When I leave here I could get out at Maidenhead and stay for lunch and catch the 1-37 from Maidenhead and 2-45 from Reading.

I am on work again today.  We have won the Junior Social Comp. which is quite good.  I played in four out of the six.

P.S.         Only 10 more days till I go HOME.

December 11th
I had a letter from Mrs Tippet saying they were breaking up early on the 14th due to ‘flu’ so I won’t see them.  The trains aren’t all that good.  But still I think it will work allright.  Anyhow if I don’t arrive on Saturday at lunch, I’ll arrive at 6-o-clock (I hope).  I also had a short letter from Granny saying she would put me up for the night.  I am going to try and do some shopping in Maidenhead and Marlow.  I won’t need a return ticket.  I’ll get one from Radley home and one Reading to Maidenhead return.  I sending you a recipe for a Christmas cake and some Almond biscuits which I saw in the Sunday paper.  Hope they work.  I have got a bottle of lime juice at shop.  I have tasted some of it and am taking the rest home.

There are only five more days.

We had the social ‘shout’ last night also the social choir.  The ‘shout’ is that each social sings two songs which they have practiced.  The best gets a cup.  The social choir is almost the same.  Except it is the best singers in the social and not the whole social.

There was also the final of Senior Social yesterday..  We got into the final but were beaten.  (As we knew we would be).

Head of Social Hall means you are in charge of Social Hall.  It is quite good to be it.

Spring Term 1944


January 23rd

                                I am liking being head of Social Hall a fair amount.  It isn’t too bad at all.

                                I am in quite a high form now and am preparing for School Certificate, which I will probably take in the winter term.  There are 8 forms below me.  I have gone up 3 forms.  My form is called Upper Five Two.

                                Could you send me a 5/- book of stamps.  We had a game of rugger yesterday we won about 20-3. 

                                The two days before that I went for runs about 21/2 miles or 3 miles and I was very stiff after them but the stiffness has gone now.

                                My trunk and tuck box came safely on Wednesday.  Will my bike be coming soon?  I haven’t needed one yet luckily though I can borrow one if necessary.

                                The pants and vests aren’t too bad but a little big.  There is another hole in my sports coat and I will get it mended.  I’ve eaten about ½  the cake so far and it is very good indeed.  I swapped those Weetabix for an unused packet of Shredded Wheat which I think was a very good bargain.

                                I hope you aren’t feeling too lonely now but there are only about 10 more weeks which isn’t very long.


Sunday Undated

                                We had two or three games of rugger last week and I scored a try.  I had a game of squash yesterday and I quite enjoyed it.  Somebody showed me how to play.  I am going to have another game today.

                                I bought an egg this afternoon and put it in my pocket and forgot it was there.  Of course it bust and made a horrid mess.  But it is all right now.

                                A bit of choc will be very welcome.


February 6th

                                The parcel arrived safely on Saturday afternoon.  I didn’t find any clear gums in the parcel so I suppose you forgot to put them in.  I got the sweet ration card as well.

                Before I forget could you send me one of those blue bakelite plates, also if you buy any cakes in Bridgend or slab cakes or your own make of cake they are always welcome.

                                I have made quite a bit of Ginger Wine and am enjoying it very much indeed although it goes very fast.  The fat I took back has lasted quite well and I will finish it to-day.

                                I haven’t played any more games of squash this week.

                                I think I have passed the 3rd class Spotter’s test yesterday, I’m very pleased about it, but I’m not sure that I’ve passed yet.  I’ll know to-night.

                                I went down to the station yesterday to see if my bike was there but it wasn’t, but someone told me it was there when he went down to-day, so it’s O.K..

                                I scored one try in rugger last week.  Rowing begins next week beginning on the 14th not the 7th. 


February 13th

                                Will my sports coat be back from the cleaners soon, because the one here has gone into a hole at the right elbow.  I will send it home when I get the other one.  You will have to put some leather on the elbow or something like that.

                                My bike has arrived safe and sound and I collected it on Tuesday morning.

                                I will tell you what has happened in rugger this week.  All the people under 16 are divided into ‘leagues’, these are the same as games really but with 30 people in each.  I am in league II, which is the best league.  There are two other leagues I and III.  Last week we had matches against them both and beat them.  League I we beat 22-nil and league III we beat 9-3.  And yesterday we had a match against I & III combined and we beat them 10-nil.  It was a good game.  I scored a try in the latter two games.

                                Rowing I hope starts on Tuesday.  I am not sending my shirt home this week.  I hoe you don’t mind but they are done fairly well at the Laundry here.

                                Also could you send me also with the coat some ‘Crestona Ginger Wine Essence’ you can probably get it at Bevan’s at Southerndown, or in Bridgend somewhere.

                                I got 4 pluses this week and 1 last week.

                                I am afraid I burnt the whole of the handle off my knife while cooking which is a great pity.  I’m very sorry.

February 20th

                                Thank you for the parcel.  The cakes are very good indeed but are going very fast.  Last week we had two oranges each and they were both very good.  I have just thought I could have sent you one for a birthday present.  What a pity I didn’t.

                                I had three pluses last week, and took the list to the Warden to-day.

                                There were the Social Fours last week.  In the 1st IV we won the first two stages but were beaten by 2 seconds in the final.  We won the 1st stage in the 2nd IV but lost the next.  Yesterday a list of the 3rd IV went up and I was in it, I rowed yesterday and kept up O.K. but got a sore behind!  I doubt if I will stay in it long but I may, anyway I hope so.

                                I haven’t started my sweets ration but will probably do so soon.  I had a very good tea to-day and made some lovely toffee-fudge kind of stuff!!  It is very good.  I made it out of sugar and water.  I must try and send you some.


Sunday undated

                                I am still in the 3rd IV strange to say!!!  The coat hasn’t arrived to-day, worst luck.  I am glad you made some marmalade.  I think I told you that we have had two oranges.  On Shrove Tuesday we had a pancake and an orange and they were very good.

                                I am afraid my nice sports coat has gone altogether.  At both elbows, on the top of both pockets and at the ends of both sleeves also another hole above the right pocket.  But I suppose you could put leather there.  Anyhow I will send it home and you can see what is to be done.

Monday                I’m afraid my pyjamas ‘went’ last night.  There was nothing left of the behind.  I’ll send them home with the coat.  I am wrapping them up in that cake-tin and enclosing some sweets in a tube.  I hope you like them I made them myself.


March 12th

                                I hope I can manage till the end of term with two pairs of pyjamas as long as one of them doesn’t go the way of the last.  I hope I get the other coat in time to wear but I hardly thing it is worth having the old one cleaned, it will only get more holy still.

                                When I made those eggs last week, I’m afraid I don’t know the quantities but I put mostly milk, but a little water as well, and not much butter, but what I did was I melted the margarine poured the egg in the saucepan and took it off the gas-ring to scrape out the bowl the egg had been in, stirred it round in the saucepan and then started heating it again.  I don’t know if it made any difference all that but I doubt it, also I didn’t put any pepper in but it would probably have been nicer still if I had.

                                I am still in the 3rd IV.  I started rowing on stroke-side at the beginning of term then I changed to bow-side then I changed back to stroke side last-week and now I can row much better there and I’m called ‘a one-side oar’, not an uncommon thing.

                                I took the Spotter’s 3rd class test again last night and I got full marks 31 ex 31.  I hope so anyway.  I have got my certificate now for passing near the beginning of term.  You saw the one Michael got I think, well \mine’s like that.

                                By the way could you send me another packet of dried eggs please, I expect you can with all the eggs you should be getting.  By the way, how are the hens laying.

                                There are only 18 more days.  I hope they go and quickly.  The term seems to have gone frightfully quickly, I hope it keeps up it’s speed up.

P.S.         I thought of lots more to say during the night so I’ll have to start another page.  Last night just before going to bed I saw one of the grandest sights I’ve ever seen.  I saw hundreds (literally) of bombers going over with all their lights on it really was the best sight I have seen all the way to the horizon I thought I saw Flak but it was the bombers signalling to the ground.  You saw these bombers going over all their lights on in three’s.  In the background were searchlights lighting it up.  I certainly realised about Britain’s air-power.  It was about the first time I have heard bombers going over like that.  Hundreds!

                                I also know what Michael means when he says he likes the whistle of the American engines.  Because several times one has come past here whistling it is a lovely noise.

                Could you please send me some more Enos Fruit Salts if you can.


Sunday undated

                                I am still in the third IV, I don’t find it very cold this weather though.

I have had a very good week indeed this week.  There was no J.T.C. parade on Wednesday because those in the J.T.C. who have been here a year went on ‘Night Operations’ while the rest did ‘prep’.  And the people who did night ops did prep while we should have been on parade but instead we had some spare time.  On Friday there was a half-holiday because of the plays.  All that was extra spare-time and there was no ‘prep’.  Yesterday there were no games and I went into Oxford and shopped a bit but I didn’t get anything hardly.  And then in the evening I went to the play which was very good indeed and very well acted indeed, called ‘Strife’.  It was about a strike in some tin mines in Wales.  It may sound very boring but it was excellent.


Sunday undated

                                I went to Abingdon aerodrome yesterday with some other people from here of the Spotters club.  We just fired some guns from a turret.  We had done it before at home.  It was quite good fun doing it again.  Also yesterday there was a championship test of planes mostly foreign ones for those in the spotters club who wanted to t\urn up.  I got 75 ex 196 and was 5th.  Which wasn’t bad for me.

                                I am still in the third IV and getting on fine.  The races are next week.  I will tell you the results in my next letter.

                                I am glad the hens are laying well and long may it continue.  We will have thousands and thousands to eat next holidays.

                                I am glad you liked the toffee.  I should like to make some next holidays but it is very extravagant with sugar but I may be able to make some.

                                I am reading a very good book called ‘Jamaica Inn’ by Daphne Du Maurier.  We saw the film about two years ago with Charles Laughton.  Both were very good.

                                It is field-day tomorrow.  We are going to the place this time in buses and then going to have a battle.  I hope it comes off and the weather is nice.

Monday                We had a field-day today so I might as well tell you all about it.  In the morning we all paraded and were given rifles and blank cartridges and after waiting for ages we got into some buses and went to the other side of Oxford to a place called Hurst Hill.  The idea was that some ‘British paratroops’ had been ‘dropped’ in France and some ‘Germans’ were coming to drive them out.  I was a German.  When we got to Hurst Hill we debussed and after waiting ages by the road while the ‘British Paratroops’ to dig in.  Then we attacked them and about 10-clock we drove them out of their positions.  We then sat down and had lunch.  Then the ‘Paratroops’ counter-attacked.  And then a terrific battle ensued in which we delivered a counter-attack and I was killed.  That was about the end.  We got into buses and came back here and had supper and had to do prep which was a great nuisance as we don’t usually have it after field-day.

                                I may be sending you a pair of shoes home this week, because one pair has got a large hole in it and it might be possible to get them mended during the holidays sometime anyhow before the end.




Summer term 1944


Undated, Sunday

                                I am afraid a tragedy happened.  The winder of my watch broke off on Wednesday night.  I wrote you a letter that night and packed the watch up but I never posted it so have unwrapped the watch and am enclosing this letter with the other.

                                I am very happy here in my study which is looking very nice.  I am afraid there are several things I have forgotten.  Firstly a cloth of some kind for drying things on.  Do you think you could find me a piece of sheet or something.  Also I forgot to bring a mat back with me for my study but I fear that it will be difficult to send………you could bring the rug with you except its so bulky.  The cake was very good and has almost gone.  I am going to have most of the eggs this afternoon.  I hope they will be O.K.  Everything in my trunk came safely.

                                I am still in the same form and taking School Certificate next term.

                                I am sleeping over at the Infirmary in charge of some  new boys.  It isn’t very exciting or good fun.



                                I have been sculling a lot this last week and am enjoying it.  It is Ascension Day on Thursday and a whole holiday.  I am going on the river with two other people in a canoe.  I only hope it’s a nice day.

                                I am glad you got my watch safely.  I am reading ‘Berlin Diary’.  I am enjoying it very much.

                                In the J.T.C. two terms ago I told you I had a uniform, it was the kind they had in the last war with lots of buttons to clean.  Well on Wednesday I got battle-dress like the army wear.  It is much more comfortable and I am very pleased.



May 21st

                                I had a very good time on Ascension Day.  I went out with four other people in two canoes.  I was in one canoe with one person, the other three were in the other canoe.  They put everything on the bank out of their boat as they were going to ‘fight’ us because we had been annoying them.  Then they all fell in, because one of them stood up and tipped the boat up.  At that moment we were out of sight but five minutes later we saw three bedraggled specimens walking along the bank.  We rushed to the scene of the accident and after much trouble righted the boat.  They got into the boat and we all rowed back safely.  The weather was quite decent.  In all it cost me six shillings.

                                Today all those in the J.T.C. with battle-dress, all the S.C.C. (Senior Cadet Corps) and the A.T.C. (Air training Corps) went into Abingdon for a youth parade.  It was quite good fun and I enjoyed it.  There were girl guides and other things like that in the parade.  There was a service in the middle.  The weather was pretty foul.

                                I have been doing a lot of sculling lately, getting in training for the races which come off in about a week.

                                We had ice cream for lunch to-day which was very good.  It is the second time we have had it this term.

                                I am getting on well in work this term.  I got four pluses this week and took the list to the Warden.

                                Could you please send me some ‘Crestona’ Ginger Wine essence.



                                Yesterday was BOILING and I had a long bathe.  To-day promises to be hotter still and I am wearing a silk shirt.  It is very comfortable and cool.  I am going to bathe this afternoon.  I am going to try and get the bronze medallion for life-saving.  Anybody who wants can try to get it every summer and about twenty people try every year.  When you have got it you are allowed to bathe at any time, which you are not allowed to do ordinarily.

Evening                 It has been BOILING.  I’ve never know it so hot.  I had a gorgeous bathe this afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed it.  At the present moment I am sitting in my study without a coat or tie and am still hot.  I am racing in some sculling races next week, and if it gets as hot as it is now I shall faint!!  When I was bathing an aeroplane kept coming over about six foot from the water.  Several times it flew just under some telegraph poles.  It was an American plane and we could see the people in it very clearly.

                                I am very sorry, but could you please send me some more money.  Last term I had a lot of my own but this term I didn’t bring any of my own back and I spent 10/- on Ascension Day alone.

                                It is half-holiday to-morrow because of Whit-Monday and I am probably going to Oxford to get a fountain pen if I can as mine leaks abominably.

P.S.                         I got 3 pluses this week.


June 4th

                                Thank you very much for your letter and the pound.  Don’t bother to bring the squash racket when you come as I don’t think I’ll need it this term and it is very cumbersome.  We had some very good kippers for breakfast.

                                I had my sculling races  last week.  I didn’t do very well.  I lost my race yesterday, only it was against the probable winner.  It was a very close race.


June 26

                                I got the watch safely and I was very pleased to get it.  I have not been doing much sculling this week.  The Social fours are in about a month.

                                There was a J.T.C. inspection on Wednesday.  We were inspected by a Brigadier.  We had a whole holiday that day and it was quite good fun.

                                I have found quite a nice desk which somebody wants to sell, and I want one for my study, as I am only borrowing one this term, but he wants rather a lot for it.  I am considering buying it, but may not as I haven’t got a frightful lot of money and there’s still quite a long time to go.  What do you think?


3rd July

                                I should think the Ramillies is back in action again, because it mentioned in the papers that battleships had been shelling again, which I haven’t seen for about a week or more.

                                I had a very nice day yesterday (Sunday).  I went to the home on my Study Companion with him and four other boys[8] .  It rained most of the time but I had great fun.  I went on the river and enjoyed myself.  I tried using a punt pole but it wasn’t a great success.  He had a horse but I was a bit too heavy for it, but I had a two hundred yard canter and I really enjoyed it.  It was so strange riding again after about 50 years!!!!

                                I got six pluses last week and took the list to the Warden.  Exams start next week, I think; we have them at the end of every term except Easter.

                                I should keep Michael’s sweets till the end of the term, and I’ll eat them if it isn’t too great a temptation for you.


9th July

                                I had a short note from Granny….She wanted to know if we were allowed to come and watch the race at Henley (Radley was beaten by Eton there by 1 ½ lengths which wasn’t too bad).  We weren’t allowed to watch it so I wrote back and told her so.  With any luck I’ll be racing at Henley in two or three years.

                                You never told me definitely you were going to drive an ambulance.  I am glad you are going to do it as it will give you a change from Dusting!!

                                I got four pluses this week but I’m not quite sure if I’m taking it to him this week, I don’t think I am.

                                I hope you don’t eat all Michael’s sweets before I come home, but I’m sure I couldn’t resist them.

                                We have started practicing for the Social fours, which are in about ten days to a fortnight.  I am in the third four and getting along fine.

                                I have almost run out of jam, I fear.  If you have the points to spare could you send me a lb or two of marmalade.  It’s cheaper than treacle in the point line, isn’t it.  Only four points per tin.

                                I took the new third-class spotters test and got 40 ex 40 which pleases me very much.  I also took the 2nd class but don’t know if I passed.  You have to get 90 ex 100 to pass.  I can tell you later in this letter.  (it was 78).

                                My watch is going very well.  It gains about a minute per 24 hours or a bit less, which isn’t too bad.

                                I have been appointed a Member of the Junior Games Committee.  I can’t really explain what that is as I don’t know myself.


Sunday undated

                                Thank you very much indeed for  your nice letter which arrived at the same time as the jam, which I was very pleased to get (thank you!).

                                The exams have started now.  We had one (Geography) yesterday.  The rest are on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.

                                We have been practicing a lot for the social fours this week.  They start on Thursday I think.

                                It is a very nice thought but I will be home in about 10 days, and I’m longing to be home.

                                My life saving went quite well yesterday.  We are taking the test next week.  I don’t know if I’ll pass because we haven’t practiced much.

                                I got four pluses last week and DIDN’T take the list to the Warden!!!


Sunday undated

                                I took my bronze medallion for life saving and I passed.  I was frightfully please at passing.  That was to-day and now I am feeling very tired indeed and when I have finished this I must ‘turn in’.

                                It is a lovely thought being back home in about four days.  I have got quite a lot of work to do next holidays, mental and physical.  I’ll come back the usual way.  9.45 from Reading, 2.15 from Bridgend or the 1.15 (I hope).  I will avoid London.  I haven’t seen a single flying bomb yet (Touch wood).

                                We had the end of term exams last week and I did quite well on the whole, and I think I was top of my form.  The only exam I was (not?) top in was science.

                                The social fours also started last week as well as the bumping races.  I was rowing in the third four but we were beaten as well as out fourth and fifth.  One of our men strained his back in the third four and we had to have a substitute at the last minute, but we only lost by 3 seconds.  Our first IV was bumped but the second has not been yet and is still leading.  I had a very good tea to-day. 

                                I am longing to see you again.





Winter Term 1944



                                I had a fair journey.  My trunk and box both arrived very safely last night.  I will send the box back soon.  There is one thing I have forgotten to bring and that is a red note-book in the sitting-room on a chair.  Please could you send it as soon as possible as I must have it.  If it isn’t on the chair it may be under it.

                                Another thing I have forgotten is my Spotter’s Club membership card.  It is on the mantelpiece in Dennis’ room near the book-case.  Could you please send it soon.  I am sorry I forgot these but I usually forget a lot more.


September 30th

                                I am very happy here and getting on well in my work and I have played one game of rugger so far and that was to-day.

Sunday                  I am wearing one of my new shirts and it is very comfortable and VERY warm indeed.

                                I saw something this morning which I think will interest you, if it doesn’t make you cry.  It was that 30,000 bottles of brandy, intended for export, had been burnt in Portugal.

                                The sandwiches which I had on the train were very good indeed.  So were the cake and biscuits, which were in my trunk.

                                The term probably ends on the 14th of December.  School Certificate Exams start on the 30th November.

                                I don’t think I told you but I am in Colts game in rugger.  If I get into the team I will miss seeing Denis Corkery[9] because he said he was going to come over here for the Wellington match (He was at Wellington) and on the same day Colts have got an away match.

                                I am going to have some Partridge for tea, because Soames shot two the day before he came back and they have been cooked to-day and the smell in here is lovely.



                                My apples arrived yesterday.  They are very good indeed.  I think they are Worcester pomaines.   You could send me the man’s address so I can send back the crate to him, or doesn’t he want it.

                                I had a game of rugger yesterday.  I enjoyed it very much more than I did last week.  I am getting on quite well in my work and I got two pluses this week.


October 15th

                                Dear Mummy and Daddy and the Snottie if he’s still at home.[10]  (Dennis was on leave changing ships, leaving the Ramillies but not knowing what his next posting would be.  Snottie is a rude word for midshipman.)

                                I hope you and all the family of egg-layers and hair-scatterers (Simon) are all very well.

                                I am very well and getting on fine in everything.  I got 5 pluses this week and took the list to the Warden.

                                I am VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, Jealous of you and your car rides to Abergavenny and the Red-Lion.  I think it is disgraceful; I do really!!!!!! [11].  I am glad the car is still in working order, if Dennis has been driving all the time.  I hope the dog enjoyed it.  Did you climb up either of my mountains.

                                I have started rugger in earnest this week and I have played about 4 games.  I am probably going to be in Colts team, but I don’t know definitely yet.  I am glad you made some crab-apple jam; is there any left, or has Dennis eaten it all?


October 21st

                                I got six pluses this week and am taking the list to the warden to-morrow.

                                I nearly got into Colts team for the match to-day but didn’t quite.  I did not mind much not being in the team as it wasn’t a very interesting match and we were easily beaten.

                                On Friday there was a Junior Social Rugger match against the social called Cocks which w won 24-0.  I was playing and scored 1 try.


October 29th

                                I only got four pluses this week but I am taking the list to the Warden again.

                                I forgot to tell you but I managed to get a pair of size nine rugger boots, so I won’t need Dennis’s.  I have played quite a lot of rugger this week and I have enjoyed myself.  There was another Junior Social match on Friday, against Easons which we won 8-3, although we had our two best men missing.  I played in it.

                                Yesterday I went to Oxford and got a book to the value of 10/- for my form prize.  If I hadn’t tied top I would have been able to get one to the value of £1.  I got a book called ‘Just Dogs’ by C.F.Barker.  It is full of lovely sketches by him.[12]  (I was mercifully ragged for choosing such a mundane book when I should have been selecting something highbrow).

                                I had a good tea this afternoon consisting of some very good pilchards, some toast and treacle and plums and they were very good.

                                I am having a very enjoyable time this term and am very happy and getting on well in everything.


November 8th

                                Last week has been quite a good week as it was All Saints week-end and all the Old Radleians, who can come, come down.  Also all the masters give a play, which I saw last night;  it was very, very good indeed and very funny indeed.  It was more or less a whole holiday yesterday, but in the middle of the morning we had another Junior Social match against Southams which we lost 14-nil and in the afternoon there was a 1st XV match V the O.C.T.U. at a place called Purbright which we won 24-nil.

                                I am getting on quite well in all things and quite happy.


November 18th[13]

                There was a Colt’s match on Thursday against Wellington which we lost 11-0 nil, and another on Saturday, to-day, against Eastbourne which we won 3-0 nil.  I did not play in either of them.  The other Colts matches have been cancelled and so I shall be able to see Denis Corkery here on December 2nd, you remember before there was an away Colt’s match that day.

                                I got on well in my work this week and got 5 pluses and am taking the list to the Warden.

                                Have you had any more news from the Pilot-Officer in the land of the Canadians.

                                The night before last it rained very hard and my cubicle got flooded.  I do not know if it was due to that or to my walks with you but I think I have got a bit of a chill and have been off games for the last two days.  I feel perfectly O.K. and will be allright soon, so don’t worry.

                                A thing I must tell you is that my Daks, the old one’s of Dennis, have gone, well and truly in the seat, so I don’t think they can stand much more use.



                                I have quite recovered from my cold now.  The cake was very good indeed thank you, but it went very quickly.

                                I am taking the School Certificate beginning on Thursday.  I do hope I do well.  I feel quite confident about passing, but I want to try and matriculate (i.e. get 5 credits)


December 3rd

                                The exams which I have done so far are ‘English Language’ which was quite easy on the whole; Elementary Maths I which was also easyish and the Practical Chemistry exam which was good fun and very easy.

                                I got my hair cut on Friday and it was cut very well, for a change.

I have got my sweet coupons now, which I’m very please about.  I haven’t got this months rations but have got next, which means 1 ½  lbs of sweets which isn’t too bad.

                                I did not manage to see Denis Corkery as I discovered the match v Wellington was away and not here, and I sent him a telegram not to come.  On Tuesday there was a Junior Social match against Patons which we drew 0-0.  On Thursday there was the last Junior Social match against Watkins which we won 28-0 nil.  I scored one try.

                                There is going to be a steeplechase on Tuesday, it is only about two miles long.  I am going in for it.  I hope I get on well.  The 1st eight people in count.

                                There is only a very short time till I come home to see the sea, the seaside, the sands, Simon, Llancarreg, the hens, some fresh eggs!! and You.



                                I am writing this during an exam as I have finished it.  Don’t get worried, I think I’ve done quite well in it.  We have had a lot of our exams this week and there are only six more left now.

                                I think I am doing quite well in the exams but I don’t really know, I can’t tell.

                                In the steeplechase on Tuesday there were 144 people going in for the junior one (under 16) and I came in ninth, which isn’t too bad, but, what is annoying, only the first eight people get places.

                                I am probably buying a desk this term for about 25/- but I don’t know yet.

                                I very much doubt if I shall play any more rugger this term.  I am going to send my bicycle home as it needs repairing badly and I doubt if it worth keeping it really but I shall send it home and see.  I haven’t got any exams to-morrow and so am going home with another boy for the morning.  It is very nice and near the end of term now isn’t it?  only about 5 more days till I see you.  I shall come home on the 14th




Spring Term 1945


January 21st

                                I am very well and have settled down nicely.  I am in a form called the Modern[14] (as opposed to the Classical) Remove 2.  I am very happy.

                                I travelled up to Cardiff with the Corkery family less Denis.  I went all the way up to Didcot with Catharine Corkery.  My connection at Didcot was about twenty minutes late and I had to stand all the way to Oxford which didn’t take long.  I had to pay 11d difference on my ticket.  I went straight to Fullers and had lunch which cost me 2/4.  I then went on to try and shop.  I went to a shop called Burtons and got a nice pair of grey-flannel trousers costing 30/-.  Then I went to another shop and got a nice hat (A Battersby hat) for 20/-.I went then and saw a film called ‘That Night in Rio’ with Carmen Miranda, Alice Faye and Don Ameche.  It was on at the Palace in Bridgend last week.  It was quite good.  It cost me 2/9.  I will send you the two bills for the trousers and the hat.  All this cost me 56/-.  I then bussed back to school.  I didn’t try to get any shoes as I discovered that I had only got six coupons left, that were usable.  We were very silly not to have put the other page in before I left.  I meant to ask you to.  Please could you send it to me.

                                I am sleeping with five other people in the Warden’s house as there is not enough room for everybody in the social.  It is quite pleasant over there and much more civilized.

                                The main work I now do is French.  I have started doing German.  I do a bit of Maths and English.  I still have to do Latin though it is of no use to me.  I also do a little history.

                                I have started rowing now and with any luck I’ll be in the second IV.  The races start on February 14 which is quite soon.

                                I went to Communion this morning and enjoyed it very much.

                                The shortbread was very good, but I am afraid it went very quickly.  Michael’s sweets are still going strong.  I am using the pen he gave me and a sheet of fifth avenue writing paper now.  It is very nice paper.

                                I am now reading ‘The Last Train from Berlin’.  It is by an American war correspondent called Howard Smith.  It is very good and rather similar to ‘Berlin Diary’.  It actually mentions ‘Berlin Diary’ in it.[15]

                                I am taking Higher Certificate in the summer of 1946.


January 28th

                                We are not allowed to go into either Oxford or Abingdon now as there is too much Scarlet Fever and Flu about and they are frightened we will catch it.

                                In the Social rowing the two fours are being combined into one eight.  It is great fun rowing in a light eight after a heavy four and you go at a lovely speed.  I am rowing no 4 (from the bows).  We have a very good coach.  I have only rowed in a light boat once or twice before last summer.  It is lovely.  The races are on the 14, 15, 16, 17 of February; that is starting in a fortnight.

                                I bet you can’t guess what I have been doing for four hours of the day.  I have been learning to skate.  I got on quite well after a time and now I am feeling that I may be able to do quite well.  I have lost count of the number of falls which I had, but it is quite a considerable number.  If it doesn’t thaw soon, I will be able to skate quite well soon.  Apparently the river was frozen over slightly this morning….if it goes on like this, the rowing will have to be called off for a considerable time, because the river will freeze hard.

                                I am getting on quite well with my German now and have learnt quite a lot, much more than I thought I would learn in a term.  I have come across the German for ‘walkies’.

                                The Spotter’s club has been closed down now, and there was an auction of all its belongings last night but there was hardly anything worth buying on sale.  I don’t quite know why it has closed down.  Its s great pity in a way, although it never seemed to do much.

                                Now that I have passed School Cert I don’t have pluses and minuses but I have three-weekly reports.  What they are like I don’t quite know.  The war news is absolutely astounding isn’t it.  It seems to be getting better.  Let’s hope the was won’t last long after Easter as we thought a short time ago.

                                There is a notice up here which says that boys in the J.T.C. may be able to go for a trip in aeroplanes and/or Gliders but that parents written permission is needed so do you think you could send me your permission.  I don’t think for a moment I’ll go up but its best to be prepared.


February 4th

                                There was no rowing on Tuesday as there were great ice bergs floating down the river and it would have been too dangerous.  So I had quite a nice snowball fight that afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I am getting on quite well with my rowing in eights and am enjoying immensely.  The races are on Tuesday week.  The term  itself seems to be flying.  By the way since the thaw began the river has risen over two and a half feet and is well over the banks in many places and if it rises any further it will be over everything.

                                I have heard my School Certificate marks but they are only unofficial.  They are much lower than I thought they could possibly be, but the standard must have been very low indeed.  Still I don’t mind.  I will hear my marks officially next week.

                                We had quite a good film show tonight about Natural History.  There was one film called the ‘Sparrow Hawk’ which was all about the nesting, birth and upbringing of Sparrow-Hawks.  There were some most incredible shots of the nest and the young birds.  There was also another film of marsh-birds.  There were some Great Crested Grebe and Swans and some Owls and a polecat eating the eggs.  It was all very interesting.


February 10th

                                I am so glad that you have had some Grape-Fruit.  I am very envious of you.  I know someone who had one last Sunday and I had a little taste of it and it was absolutely gorgeous.  The £1 note arrived safely in the letter without any mishap.  Thank you very much for it.

                                I have been getting along beautifully in my rowing and I am still in one of the trial VIIIs, the same one.  We are racing Trial VIII D next week, I think it is on Saturday, but I am not sure.  It ought to be a good race, and I hope I get on well.  The rowing this week has been lovely as it has all been in perfect weather, with no wind and plenty of sun.  The river itself is beautifully clean, the cleanest, I think, that I have ever seen it, but it is still very cold indeed.  We rowed every day last week.  I had quite a lot of blisters on my hand but they didn’t hurt at all; they look allright now and I can’t feel them at all.

                                It is field-day to-morrow and in the morning there is going to be a demonstration by the Royal Artillery and I believe an aeroplane is going to land on the pitch, so it ought to be rather good fun.  We get off all work for it, which is a nice thought!!!!

                                We had quite a decent chapel this morning and really quite a good (and quite short!!) sermon.  Almost all the sermons that we have had this term seem to have been quite good.  I have just been playing a quite energetic game of hockey.


February 18th

                                On Friday night Michael rang me up and asked if I could come out the next day.  I said that I could manage to come; I then rang up the ‘Crown and Thistle’ to book a table for lunch, and I managed to book one.

                                So Michael bicycled over here in the morning and met me here at half-past twelve.  It was lovely to see him again and he sounded very well, although slightly tired after bicycling twenty miles.  We then bicycled into Abingdon and had a very nice lunch of minced chicken and Jelly and cream, which we both enjoyed very much.  I then had to bicycle back to college here and change as the trial VIII races were that afternoon.  Michael met me at the gates and we bicycled down to the river and he watched me row, which I think he enjoyed very much.

                                We have been out practicing for the race every day of the week, but we haven’t been getting on frightfully well.  Anyhow, the race, a mile long, went absolutely marvellously, and although we were down at the start we gradually went up and after a bit we got half a length ahead and we stayed that much ahead for the rest of the race and we, thus, won, much to our pleasure.  I was very glad that Michael was able to see me win and not lose.  It was a very good race.

                                I then bicycled back to college, changed and rushed into Abingdon, where Michael had previously gone to try and get some tea.  Michael was going to catch the 5 to five train from Radley but by that time there was only another twenty minutes and so he couldn’t manage it.  So we went to quite a nice café and had quite a good tea, which I enjoyed very much.  We tried to get some ice-cream, but they had just run out, but we managed to get the scrapings, but it was pretty horrible as it was very hard and made with dried milk.  We then ordered some sausages and chips, but they took ages to make it, but before it was ready we had to go out, as it had already taken twenty-five minutes to be made.  I rushed off back here, while Michael pumped his tyre up, as he had a puncture, the second that day.  Unluckily I couldn’t go back with him.  I got back with a minute to spare before Chapel, but what happened to Michael I don’t know.  He ought to have got his train easily.

                                Last Monday was field-day and we had a grand time. The Royal Artillery came along and gave us a demonstration, with twenty-five pounder guns.  They fired about forty rounds of blank ammunition and made a terrific noise but it was great fun.  Then the next part of the demonstration was as Auster landing on the pitch.  This plane circled round twice and landed.  Then the pilot gave a short talk on it and took off, and landed again.  It was marvellous seeing it landing and taking off and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing.

                                By the way I got Michael’s address.  The aerodrome is at Hampstead Norris.  He says that it is a most lovely place, quite small surrounded by lovely country.  He is coming home on leave sometime round about April the seventh so I ought to be at home with him for the whole of his leave.


February 20th

                                On Wednesday the rowing races began.  We didn’t race that day as, you see, there are only seven eights and one has to have a miss, the first day.  Well anyhow the next day we had a nice easy race, at least it wasn’t all that easy during the race, what I mean is, we had a nice easy win, by 31 seconds.  The next day there was no rowing; but the next, Saturday, were the finals; and we were in them.  We didn’t really expect to win, but we were all hoping hard.  But we lost by 11 seconds which isn’t really all that Bad.  It was a very good race.  The course is just over a mile long, compared with the Oxford and Cambridge course of about five miles.  Anyhow we got a cup, as there were two cups going for the race as they are usually raced as two separate fours instead of one eight.  this is quite a nice Consolation.

                                What pleases me is that I got my second four (IV) Social rowing vest.  It doesn’t mean a great lot as you get awarded it almost automatically as you row in the second four (or in the social eight).  By the way I took the liberty of getting two more rowing vests.  First because my old ones are beginning to go to the dogs and also because they are the wrong shape for the 2nd IV vest; because you see all that has to be done to convert the ordinary vest into a second four vest is for a black strip to be put down the front.  So I got two more vests and am getting some black material put down the front.  By the way the rowing vests were 6 coupons altogether (3 each).

                                I received a very sweet letter from Granny last week in which she enclosed a £1 postal order; a ‘little’ present (as she calls it) for getting my School Certificate.  She sounds very happy.

                                The P.T. competition is to-morrow afternoon.  I hope it is a success.  On Thursday we have to run a mile in a certain time which is another part of these P.T. competitions.  I hope I can do it, but I ought to be able to.  The poor people over 161/2 have to run two miles.  But I won’t have to do that even next year as I will be just too young.  Rowing ends sometime before the 20th of March and Sports are then.

                                I don’t think that I have told you yet that I am taking an exam in the J.Y.C. at the end of this term.  It is called ’Certificate ‘A’ Part I’.  It is very useful to get it as it puts you up quite a bit in the army, navy or air force.  Next term also, if I get the exam thi9s term, I will take ‘Certificate ‘A’ Part II’ which is very useful as well if not more useful.  They are both really just exams being tested on what you know about weapons, map-reading and drill, although there are a lot more intricacies as well.

                                I am in very good health and very happy.  I am getting on well in my work I think, anyhow I am enjoying it which is quite a lot, and I think I am learning a lot, which is the main thing.


February 22nd

                                On Tuesday was the P.T. competition and the Obstacle course which was part of the P.T. competition as was the mile run which we have just run to-day (Thursday).  It was a gorgeous day on Tuesday, absolutely perfect for the thing.  It seemed that the day was made for the competition.  We got on very well and everything went very well and we came out on top in the actual P.T. with 90% which was very good indeed; we have much more handicap than the other socials as we are much larger than most.

                                The Obstacle course didn’t go as well, it was difficult, and there was much less time given than last year.  I didn’t manage to do it in time.  Yesterday I had no games at all and I went into Oxford and had a very good time.  I managed to get a hair-cut, and I can tell you I needed one extremely badly.  I went to Manfield’s to try and get a pair of shoes but they were shut with a notice on the door ‘Shut.  Today’s stock sold out’.  So I went on to ‘Freeman, Hardy and Willis’ and the 1st pair of shoes they produced I liked.  They were made in Scotland of ‘Zug’ leather.  They cost 33/7 which is a very reasonable price.  They haven’t got any toe-caps.  Before I came back you gave me 60/- for clothes etc.  I spent 56/- which I told you about in the first letter of term.  therefore plus the 33/7 you owe me 29/7.  I don’t mind if you don’t send it to me this term, but keep it for the holidays, as I think I can last out on the postal-order which Granny sent me.

                                To-day I shot for the social in a competition which is called ‘The Collis-Browne Shooting Shield’.  I got 62 out of 70 which isn’t at all bad.  It is the best score that I have had since I have been here.

                                I also had to run a mile for the P.T. competition.  It is quite tiring doing it but I managed to get round allright.  You were allowed 6 min. 10 secs and I took about 6 minutes.

                                The things which you have in Post-Certificate forms and which are equivalent to pluses and minuses are the three-weekly reports.  The first lot of these came out on Sunday and I have just seen mine.  They are satisfactory and if anything better than I expected.  I was very pleased.

                                Yesterday we saw some gliders, towed by Dakotas flying west, I wonder if there has been an invasion, or at least a paratroop landing, somewhere behind the German lines.



February 26th

                                I am almost sure we break up on 27th March.  It is a Tuesday.  On Saturday (yesterday) I went out in one of the trial eights.  They are trials for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd eights next term.  It doesn’t mean much my getting into an eight as everybody is tried for them.  If I stay in an eight it is quite a good accomplishment, but it is very doubtful if I will get into an eight next term (i.e.1st, 2nd or 3rd VIII).  Still there is no harm in hoping and going on hoping.  I have had a very good day to-day.

                                This afternoon I bicycled over to Cowley, which is near Oxford, where they make a large number of the Morris Cars; well I went with about fourteen other people to the Rifle Range at the Army Barracks there.  Our J.T.C. sergeant-major is a sergeant-major at the Barracks there and he bicycles over here everyday.  Well, on Sundays, for about the last one and a half terms, we have been allowed to go and shoot there.  I shot with a sten-gun, a small tommy-gun or light carbine-machine gun.  I expect that you have seen a lot of them in the papers during the last three years.  It was great fun, although I only fired 30 rounds and had to bicycle about fourteen miles there and back.  It was worth going and I expect I shall go again at the next possible chance.

                                There was a talk last night to the Junior Scientific Society, of, I think I have told you, I am a member.  The talk, at least it was three different talks, weren’t very interesting; they were by the boys themselves.  In this society about a fortnight ago, there was a very interesting talk by a master, who is an expert on the subject, on the geology of the Radley District; it was very interesting.

                                By the way our ‘attainments’ came out this Sunday.  I think I have explained to you what they are before, but in case you have forgotten I will tell you.  They come out every half-term and end of term and represent your standard of work and your improvements.  They are divided into three different groups.  Just ‘a’ ‘*’ ‘x’; ‘a’ = good ‘*’ =medium ‘x’ = not good.  Well everything of mine was under the ‘a’ but one of them was queried which just means that there is a query whether you are good or not.

                                By the way, on the Sunday when I went shooting I saw two partridges , (which I didn’t shoot!!!) and a jet plane.[16] I expect  you saw about the jet planes in to-day’s papers.  From the description it looked like one of the De Havilland ones with two jets.  Still I don’t know at all.  But it was travelling at a terrific rate.


March 1

                                I think I told you that in the final order of sports we weren’t top.  We were 6th out of  7.  We were just top in the P.T., but there are several things besides the P.T.  Actually that wasn’t the actual sports, which come off at the end of term, in about a fortnight’s time.

                                I am still rowing in an eight.  I have been out every day since I last wrote to you.  I am getting on quite well.  I am still in one, but for how long I will remain I cannot say for certain.  If I am lucky I will stay in one, but I am still keeping on hoping and hoping.  The day before yesterday when rowing there was quite a wind and their were great big waves on the river and it was very difficult to row and they kept on splashing over the edge.  Anyhow I didn’t fall in!!!

                                We are doing very well in this shooting competition at the present moment, but there are still two more people to shoot and we may do better.  At the present we are fourth.

                                I went to a meeting of the Gramophone society yesterday and amongst other things heard the ‘Nutcracker suite’ by Tchaikovsky which I enjoyed very much.

                                The war seems to be going extremely well at the moment, don’t you agree.  There seems to be astounding things happening in all the theatres of war.  I am still keeping up my map of the Pacific but the wind will persist in blowing all the flags out and they all get hidden under the carpet.



March 4th

                                You know that I took some china ornaments back two terms ago, well last Sunday the big China Bear got broken.  Two of the legs came off which have been stuck on again without blemish, but the nose was badly chipped and I haven’t been able to find all the bits; it’s a great pity, but it can’t be helped.  I am quite surprised that it hasn’t been broken before.

                                                There weren’t any eights yesterday or the day before because of the play, so I went sculling.  I am allowed to use some lighter boats for sculling in, now that I am in an eight, (I still don’t know absolutely definitely whether I am in one or not) and I have been for two lovely long  sculls and I enjoyed them both.  I must have sculled ten miles in all, which is quite a way, although it doesn’t sound very much.  The weather, both days, was absolutely perfect.

                                Do you think you could send me the thirty shillings you owe me, if it would (not) be too much trouble, I’m sorry to bother you.

                                My work is still going on satisfactorily.



March 22nd

                                This is the last letter which I shall write to you this term.  What a lovely thought.  I shan’t write to you on Sunday as I shall be home as soon as the letter.  I am \longing to be home and there is very little to wait now.  This time in five days I shall have seen the sea.

                                There was Certificate ‘A’ Part I on Monday.  It wasn’t a very nice day.  I got on very well and I enjoyed the whole thing quite a bit.  I passed.  In fact everyone passed.  What annoys me is that the marks didn’t go up so I can’t tell where I came.

                                On Tuesday the Sports started in earnest.  Everything went on very well.  You are only allowed to go in for four events, which is a nuisance.  I went in for the 100yds, 220 yds, ½ mile and the Discus (If Pa doesn’t know what that is (he ought to) I will explain it when I come home).  In the heats of the 100 yds I was knocked out.  In the heats of the Discus and the ½ mile I got into the finals and in the 220 I got into the semi-final but was knocked out.

                                I sent off my bike today.  Expect me at 1.30 or 2.30 on Tuesday.









Summer Term 1945


May 6th

                                I had a very good journey and it seemed to go very quickly.  And but for an hour’s wait at Swindon I enjoyed it very much.  My trunk and bike were both very conveniently ready when I got here.  Everything in the trunk was safe and sound when it arrived.  The cake was soon demolished but there is still a little bit of the cheese left. 

                                I went into Oxford on Wednesday and had a very enjoyable time and I brought a painting of geese by Peter Scott.

                                We are having ice creams here at the shop.  They are simply gorgeous and they are made by Walls and although they cost quite a bit and there is always a great queue for them it is well worth queuing.

                                I am happy and enjoying myself very much.  We haven’t done much work this term so far but there will be plenty to do in the near future.  As well I haven’t done much rowing although I have been out sculling twice.

                                The new shoes are very nice and they fit very well as far as I can tell.  I am wearing them now as my others are very wet from yesterday’s rain.  As for the trousers I have not really worn them yet, so I don’t know what they are like but they look very nice.

                                I am going out on the river next Thursday as it is Ascension day, and we all get a whole holiday.  There is going to be a bonfire and plenty of other celebrations on VE (Victory in Europe) day and goodness knows what time we will get to bed.

                                Its terrible as I am infested with fleas and all the time I am discovering fresh bites.

                                The war seems to be almost at an end and we ought to be having VE day any day now.  To-morrow would suit me best, but I can’t pick and choose!!!!!!!!!!  I have heard rumours of a four day holiday but they sound rather hopeful to me.


May 22nd

                                I really haven’t done much this week.  I don’t think I will get into the third eight, now, but I will, I hope, get into the 4th or Colts’ eight.  I think the sculling races start in about ten days time, but I am not quite sure.  But I know that they aren’t far off.  I am getting on fairly well with my work I think.

                                My spots are improving very much and the lotion is going fairly fast.  Do you think that could order another bottle of it and send it on one day.


May 26th

                                Thank you very much indeed for your nice letter.  It contained some very welcome news indeed about going back to Little Mount.

                                I haven’t done much this week really.  I had another game of croquet yesterday.  I have been doing a lot of sculling, but that is about all.  There is quite a chance now that I may not get into the Colts’ eight, but I don’t know exactly yet….Friday while rowing I got absolutely soaked to the skin, still I am no worse for it.  The sculling races are next week


June 3rd

                                I rowed my sculling race on Wednesday and lost, but the person I was racing was the winner, and I actually did the 3rd best time over the course.  I am very pleased at that.  I went out in the Colts’ VIII again on Tuesday, but I am still very doubtful as to whether I will be in it or not.  I hope I am.  We haven’t been out again since then because of the races.

                                There was a very good Sermon last Sunday by the Dean of Windsor.  I went to Communion this morning.


June 17th

                                I had a very nice letter from Uncle Tom[17]  last week enclosing a check for £5.  It was terribly kind of him.  It arrived on the Tuesday.. He said it was half what he would have given Michael.  I wrote back to him the same evening.

                                I have been going out in an VIII almost every day this week and we are getting on quite well.  We (that is the Colts’ VIII, which I think I am almost definitely in) are racing up at Oxford on the Wednesday after the week-end on which I will see you.  I went sculling a long way yesterday and have got a very sore behind at the present \moment and I hope it soon goes.  It is much better than it was.

                                I have got another bottle of calamine lotion for my spots.


July 8th

                                It is a lovely thought writing to Little Mount and I am longing to write the envelope!!  You seem to be going to lots of parties.

                                I am afraid that I was not able to get to Henley at all.  I was very disappointed indeed as I was longing to go.  I expect you have seen in the papers by now that we won the public schools race at Henley.  It was marvellous doing it.  We did the best time of any eight there.  it was the first time that our eight has beaten Eton in a straight race.  We might get some sort of Holiday for it.

                                I haven’t been doing any rowing this week.  The next races aren’t until the last six nights of term.  We race on the last four of them, bumping races.  I ought to be in the 2nd IV again.



July 15th

I have had quite a good week here and have been enjoying myself.  There was a terrific thunderstorm last night and I woke up and I have never seen such lightening.  It was blinding.  I got out of bed to watch it.

                                I went out to-day to a friend’s home with Soames and we had a very good time indeed and I did a lot of bathing in the afternoon and I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

                                The school exams start to-morrow and finish on Thursday and for the next four days we have ½ hour extra in  bed which is very nice.



July 22nd

                                What I would like to do is to have Granny to tea on the second day of the holidays, the Tuesday, if this would be possible.  I am sure she would love it and must see a lot of her these holidays. Do you think there would be any possibility of my getting a decent .22 rifle as I have Uncle Tom’s check, various other savings, altogether coming to about £11 and also there is my birthday and I think you can get a nice one for about £16 or so.

                                I have done quite a lot of rowing this week, preparing for the bumping races next week.  This is the last letter I shall write to you this term, but if you tell me in the letter which I hope you will write to me (!) what time the post arrives I might send you a post card by the Saturday post so that it will arrive home an hour before me (Just for fun).

                                I don’t think there is much more to say now, Oh!  We had all the school exams last week and in the two French exams I came once 4th once 3rd.  On an exam on a French book we had to prepare during the term I came top with 84/90 and the master gave me a prize, very unexpectedly, of ten shillings.  The only other exams I did were the German School Certificate in which I do not think I did too badly [18].




Winter Term 1945


Undated but must be first letter

                                I have arrived safe and sound and am quite happily settled in now.  It is not so bad to be back and everything is looking very nice.  My trunk and tuck box have not yet arrived here, but I am almost certain that they are down at the station.  My bike is here.  I had a very good journey here and I had an empty carriage to Reading.  All the fruit was very good and has now all gone P.S. Trunk and box arrived and unpacked and all safe.


October 7th

                                I am writing this at an exceedingly early hour as I forgot to put my watch back last night.  I got up nice and early to go to communion and then I realised what I had done.  It is a perfect nuisance but it can’t be helped!!

                                There is rather a lovely rhyme about a blackbird in the Tennyson which I am doing for Higher Cert. and I am going to enclose it, as I think it will amuse you.  (it was enclosed).


October 14th

                                All the week I have been doing more standards and I have run 440 yds in 60 secs, a ½ mile in 2.30, 100yds in 12, and 220 in29.  That’s about all.

                                I went into Oxford yesterday and enjoyed myself looking round.  I bought ‘Middlemarch’ by George Eliot, which I have got to do for Higher Cert., also ‘Jorrocks Jaunts and Jollities’ by Surtees, also my sweet ration and 55 .22 pellets for 3/-.  Could you ask Pa if he could clean the air-rifle and oil it, and if he could get a new barrel for it, which I think he do easily, because it needs it.

                                Soames has fracture his arm and he can’t play rugger any more, which is rather bad luck.


October 21st

                                I have at last started playing rugger and last week I played five times.  I am in second side, thus have a chance of getting into the 4th or 3rd XV.

                                I seem to be doing a lot more work this term than last; I am very happy.  It is very queer when it gets dark so early nowadays and for some reason reminds me of the Chauntry!!


October 28th

                                The news of Dennis is marvellous and I am longing for him to come home.  It is nice to know he will at least be home before Christmas.

                                There was a 3rd and a 4th XV match last week, but I only played in the 4th which means I am not much good, but better than quite a few people.  We lost 38-3 against St Edwards, who usually beat us.

                                We have got a field day to-morrow and we are going to look over an aerodrome near here.  It ought to be very good fun indeed.

                                I am afraid that the winder of my watch has come off again and that I have lost the winder.  So I will have to send it to you…what I am going to do without a watch I do not know.


Posted October 30th

                                I expect you will be very surprised to hear from\ me so soon, but so much has happened to-day that I thought you might like to hear from me again.

                                As I told you in my letter it was Field-day to-day.  Well we bicycled to the aerodrome at Culham which is an R.N. Air Station…..we proceeded to look over the whole aerodrome.  The workshops were very interesting indeed and they had some amazing tools and they were all beautifully laid out and equipped.

                                We looked over the armament section and saw 20mm cannons of Firefly and Seafire.  After that we went in a bus to\ the other side of the drome and looked over a Firefly and the Cockpit.  Just before going over we had had a glance at a Firefly and bits of radar equipment and at some Seafires, one of which was in bits.  It was extremely interesting indeed.  We looked at  Seafires and heard them being revved up and did they make a noise (2000 h.p.).

                                Then I found out that the thing I had been longing for was cancelled,\ namely to fly.  I had been longing to do it and it was almost certain that we would, but the R.A.F. Met said it was going to cloud over and rain, which to my intense annoyance it did not, but got finer and finer.


November 4th

                                On Wednesday the 3rd XV had a match against the 2nd XV and I was playing in the 3rd XV, which was very pleasing, even though we lost about 21.0.

                                But the main happenings of the week have been the Don’s plays.  I don’t think I have told you about them before so I will tell you.  Every year at All Saints week-end they give a series of sketches and a pantomime.  My first year they acted Alladdin, last year they ‘Dick Whittington at Radley’ and this year they did ‘Dick Whittington at Oxford’.  It was very good indeed.  As I was a stage hand , I was able to watch them 4 times, each time I enjoyed them immensely.  On Wednesday there was the dress rehearsal, which was most amusing and very good fun.  on Thursday there was a performance to the village, Friday to the lower half of the school and Saturday to the upper half of the school and to Old Radleians, as it is the week-end they all come down.  We got off Prep on Wednesday and Thursday night and after each performance we had a magnificent feast which was greatly appreciated.  We never got to bed till about 11.  It was all immensely enjoyable.


November 18th

                                It was lovely to ring up, and to hear Dennis speak even though I didn’t recognise his voice.  I ought to be with him for about a fortnight next holidays.  At least  I hope I can be.

                                I have played quite a lot of rugger, and I think I am the spare man for the 3rd XV.  There was a  3rd match yesterday, but as the whole team was there I wasn’t playing.

                                I am going to take up Spanish next term instead of Maths.



November 24th

                                                (The letter is full of details about travel arrangements so I can come home for the week-end to see Dennis).

                                                The social has bought  a machine very like an electrolux for cleaning  our studies and I was using it today.  It is a lovely thing called a Bylock New Triplex Vacuum Cleaner.  It has got a tremendous suction power, and seems to clean very well.

                                Sunday:                 I have had a very good day to-day and all the social plays have gone off very well and it has been very enjoyable watching them, which I have been able to do in spite of all my hard-work behind the scenes.  The social play that won was rather a dismal but well acted play, w2hich I did not enjoy very much.  I have done absolutely nothing to day except be at the stage.  The day has gone pretty quickly.  The plays were judged by a certain Mr George Rylands who you may have heard of, who produced Hamlet for John Gielgud in London last year.  Mr. Neville Coghill judged last year and Leslie Banks the year before.

[1] there were something under 50 boys in the social

[2] i.e. clothing ration points

[3] My father rode a bicycle to work for a time at the beginning of the war because of petrol rationing

[4] the American flying fortress bomber

[5] Junior Training Corps

[6] this was a national institution to train people in identifying enemy aircraft

[7] where all the first year boys in each social lived and did prep

[8] this must refer to Peter Sturges with whom I had a study and he lived at Long Wittenham

[9] one of the Southerndown family who was at Jesus and had been at Wellington

[10] Dennis was on leave having left the Ramillies but not knowing where his next ship was or would go.  Snottie is a rude word for midshipman.

[11] Presumably I was jealous that my parents were going without me but with Dennis

[12] I was mercilessly ragged for choosing a book about dogs rather than something highbrow

[13] A previous letter had been all about my failure to find a room in either Abingdon or Oxford for my mother and father and Dennis.  In this one I had obviously been up to London to see them.

[14] as opposed to the Classical

[15]   I had read ‘Berlin Diary’ last term.  What I most vividly remember about ‘The Last Train from Berlin’ is reading it in the bath for the best part of an hour.  Now we were sleeping at the Warden’s house life was much freer and I could stay in the bath for as long as I liked.

[16] My first ever jet!

[17] Tom Gummer, a childhood friend of my fathers, was Michael’s Godfather and Michael would have been 21 on June 13th

[18] I got a pass

Letters from Radley 1943-1945 contents




Summer term 1943. 2

Winter Term 1943. 7

Spring Term 1944. 12

Summer term 1944. 15

Winter Term 1944. 18

Spring Term 1945. 21

Summer Term 1945. 26

Winter Term 1945. 28




Letters from Radley 1943 to 1945


These are all letters sent to my parents from school



Summer term 1943


April 30th

                          I got here safely and on time.  When I got to Paddington I found that my trunk was not on the train so I searched up and down the platform but I could not find it.  Then when I got here I found it amongst a number of other trunks, so it is all right.

The place looks very nice and is right in the country.  We have to make our own beds.  I have a cubicle (i.e. a place where we sleep and keep our clothes) with Soames, a boy from St Pirans who came here about two years ago.  He has not come back yet because a horse trod on his leg or something.  The cubicles are quite nice.  The beds aren’t bad.  In the cubicle we have a chest-a-drawers each where we keep our clothes.  I had quite a good journey up here.

Please could you send me my Geometry set you will find it in a green box on my dressing table and my dividers which are in the sitting room on one of the tables.  Also could you send me some blotting paper.  If you look in my bottom draw you will see a red atlas in that Atlas is an envelope with the Oundle crest on it and it is in there.

You were wrong about my not having supper about 6 o’clock because we do have it at about 6.30.

I haven’t been doing much today (Saturday).  The form that I am in is Shell B1, if that conveys anything to you, it doesn’t much to me.

Please could you send me the nail scissors which I think you forgot to send me.

The place is quite nice and fairly modern.  Nothing much has happened yet.

You could send me some marmite and some Chocolate Spread.      S.O.S.  Could you send me my belt.  Sorry you having to send all these things.



May 6th

                                I like it very much here and I am very happy.  I gave the chit about the bicycle into the Shop on Tuesday and when I went in today they said they had got one for me, which was pretty quick.

                                The house is the biggest,[1] we get hot water 3 days a week and a bath once a week.  We have about 3 cold baths a day, 1 when we get up, 1 after P.T., and the other after games, it isn’t really as bad as it sounds.  We can get cakes at the Shop.  We can’t get cereals, also I got 5 chocolate biscuits to-day which weren’t bad.

                                Could you somehow or other get a bicycle-bell, if you can’t I may be able to get one in Oxford or Abingdon.  Don’t really bother about it only if you happen to see one could you get it please.


                                Our cold baths have been reduced to 2.

                                My clothes are all right.  Although it is a little difficult to manage without a sweater.  I found my nail scissors in the Elastoplast box.  I don’t think you need send any blue shorts the others will be all right.

                                On Friday, I think it was, I went out sculling but I didn’t get on very well and yesterday I went rowing and got on much better.  The sandwiches were alright thank you.


May 30th

                                When we get up in the morning we put on games clothes and sweater.  If we have low necked sweaters we either wear ties or scarves.  It would be very nice if you could send me a scarf.

                                We can have any kind of Pullovers here which will be a help in the winter.

                                Wednesday was field-day.  In the Morning we saw war films and one called ‘Wavell’s 30,000’ but none of them were much good.  In the afternoon some person came down from the war office and we had to do a P.T. display and also we had an inspection.  We didn’t do any work at all which was good.

                                Yesterday there was a ‘Marionette Show’ which was very good indeed and well worth seeing although it was very hot.  I am very glad I saw it.

                                I have been doing quite a lot of swimming this week.  The weather has been lovely all week but it is not nice today.

                                Don’t worry about the things I asked for in the last letter that are on points .[2] I haven’t bought myself any bathing draws for myself yet I will get one Tomorrow probably.

                                I should love a couple of small tins of soup it would be very nice if you could send one or two.

                                I wish I was at home with all that salmon and chickens and everything else.

                                Tell Dennis I saw a Spitfire 3.  There is no doubt about it.  It was circling round and saw it again in the afternoon.  I have also seen a spitfire 6, a thunderbolt and a Liberator, which is quite good.

                                The stamp on your envelope has not been stamped so I can use it again.

                                I got a belt from shop the other day.  It is quite a nice one.  I hope you don’t mind.  I really needed 2.  Because I need one on my shorts and another on my longs.  So I am preserving my braces.

                                There is a notice about the day you are allowed out which is called ‘Gaudy’.  I doubt very much if you can come down.  But I don’t really mind.  There is whole holiday on Ascension day.  I am going on the river with a couple of friends.

P.S.  I had a nice swim and a tea by the river to-day.

                                If you could send me the saddle-bag which is in the loft at the top of the stairs on the right.  It belongs to Pa I think. [3] .  I saw rather an amusing thing the other day.  You know Simon rolls on his back when he has been brushed.  Well I saw a large cart horse doing it.


June 4th

                                I got your letter safely and the many parcels.  You shouldn’t have sent me all those soups.  I will never be able to eat them all.  I got 2 tins of Heinz soups the other day at Shop because I hoped you were only going to send one or at the most two tins, but still the more the merrier.  You shouldn’t have sent those eggs because I can get them here.  I am afraid three were cracked, one of which had leaked a bit, the other 2 were a bit cracked.  The 4th  was perfectly whole.  I will cook the 3th  cracked this week and the forth next week.

                                The scarf will be very useful.  Thank you very much for it.  Where did you get it from.

                                Yesterday was Ascension day and we had a whole Holiday.  The weather had turned rainy on the Wednesday and it stayed rainy yesterday and to-day.  Two friends and myself  bicycled into Oxford and we got a small punt and went up from Oxford till about 2 miles before Radley which is quite a long way.  It was raining on and off.  On the way back I spied a punt drifting down stream.  So we tied it onto our boat and pulled it down to the lock and gave it to the lock-man who said it belonged to some fishermen.  The last part of the way to the lock when we were towing the punt we had to get onto the bank and tow it along.  Then when we were at the lock we saw some Oxford rowing eights just starting off which was quite interesting.

                                Then we went on back to Oxford.  It was annoying that it was early closing because I could have done some shopping.  Then we bicycled back here which only takes about half an hour.


                                As I was doing nothing in Games to-day I bicycled into Oxford with Soames.  I got some Betox (a sort of Marmite) and also we looked over a Wings for Victory R.A.F. show which was quite good.


                                On Wednesday there were only 2 lessons because a lot of people were being confirmed.  I went to the service and it was very interesting.

                                All the parents of the boys who are being confirmed are allowed to come\and see them and take them out that day and the next as it was Ascension.  So I should definitely like to be confirmed in the summer.

                                I had a very good tea to-day.  Some Fried egg and toast and some kidney soup which were very good.  Also I hard-boiled the other 2 cracked eggs and no white came from either which was pretty good.  So I have one egg left, the uncracked one which I will eat next week.


June 12th

                                I am getting on well with my work thank you and I am finding it quite easy.

                                I hope you got my p.c. all right.  I wrote it in a great hurry.  The address I need is the address of the milk-man who has got the milk slip out of my ration book.  I hope it wasn’t Taken out at St Pirans; it may have been.  If so I will have to write there I suppose.

                                Dennis must be pleased at the way his bird’s egg collection is progressing.  Gull’s eggs, House sparrows’ ,hedge sparrows  and pewits and Wheatear’s eggs (which by the way is the name of our Social Matron, although it isn’t spelt the same way).

                                If you have any cereals or Golden Syrup to spare they will be welcomed.

                                Yesterday the Eastbournians acted part of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ which was very good.  It was very nearly the same as Form 1 (at St Pirans) acted last term.

                                Oxford Regatta was to-day and we only had 3 periods.  We bicycled into Oxford to watch the regatta which the first two Radley eights are taking part.  The Radley eights got on well but they didn’t win.


                                I have been bathing some more this week.  It is a pity Dennis can’t bathe with Mumps. 

                                Could you send me a bike-pump.  I think you can get one from a Bike-shop called ‘Dunlop’ in Bridgend.  I will draw a map of the place to show you where it is.  You would get decent ones there.

P.S.                         I had a nice tea of poached egg and Mulligatawny Soup which was stronger than any curry I have tasted.


June 22nd

                                Do you know when the stockings will come, it is a bit difficult with only two pairs.

                                We are allowed out on June 26 (Sunday).  That is the only special day you can see me but I think you can come any Sunday.

                                I bathed yesterday a bit in the River.  And to-day I took another swimming test in which we had to swim across the river and back in gym-shoes, socks, shirt and trousers and I passed it all right, there is only one more test, in which you have to swim across the river and back in bathing draws, after we have done that I will be allowed to go across the river and use the diving boards over there.

                                By the way do you think I could get a pair of bathing draws from the Shop because yesterday when I was taking mine off, I put my fingers through in two places, they were so rotten and someone else has got a pair from Shop and he said they were very nice.  I believe they are a pair of my St Pirans ones somewhere at home, but they aren’t very nice ones.

                                It was very nice to get a letter from Dennis.  I can just imagine him smoking cigars with Michael.  I hope you enjoyed them!!  Congratulations on getting all those eggs, you must have a good collection by now.

                                I am really enjoying my sculling and I think I am getting on well.

                                Could you send me my ‘Everyman’s Dictionary’ it is either in my room

Or in the Sitting room.  If you can’t find that I think there is another small one under my ‘Doctor Dolittle’ bookcase.

                                I am very happy here and I am enjoying myself very much.  The corn-flakes are very good indeed but they go so quickly even if I have them every other day.  I should need about 5 or 6 packets per term.  If you could send me some more, it would be lovely.  I finished my syrup last week and it was very good indeed.

                                Our Wings for Victory week started yesterday and there was a concert in Hall, but it wasn’t very good, it was 6d or 1/- entrance fee and we were given a savings stamp.  There was a bomb, the Radley bomb there and we all stuck our stamps on and it got fairly covered.  One thing in the concert wasn’t bad.

P.S.                         Its very nice on Sundays, because we are allowed to use the gas rings to cook anything we want, we can get eggs from the farm, near here, I got 2 to-day and I am going to hard-boil them and eat them during the week.  If you have any sardines, baked beans or any tinned stuff I should love it.

                                Could you send me a knife, fork and fairly small spoon please if it is’ too much trouble.



Undated but around this week

                                I expect Dennis is jolly pleased at getting all those Gulls eggs.  About the Mug please don’t send me a bakelite one because they break but if you could get an enamel one could you please send it.  I have done quite a lot of sculling and I am enjoying it very much indeed.

                                My Bike is a very nice one and I am looking after it well

                                I have read ‘Owd Bob’ and I thought it extremely good  indeed.  We were in quarantine for scarlet fever but we come out to-day so I hope no one gets it to-day.


Undated but must be here

                                Thank you very much for the 15/- which arrived safely.  I have used the ten shillings now and am not in debt any longer.  The boots I got with them are they right size or a little on the big side which is best.

                                If you have had my blue coat cleaned it would be very useful here, because we can wear anything like that.  I think it would be clean enough even if it wasn’t cleaned


                                It is a pity you can’t get golden syrup now.  It was so useful.

                                I didn’t have to write to St Pirans because I remember who we used to get the milk from there.  You seem to have a lot of adventures with gulls this term.  What with gulls eggs and dead gulls etc.

                                Yesterday there were ‘Novice’ sculling races.  Wet bobs (this is the name for those who row as opposed to dry bobs who play cricket) were divided up into Senior I, Senior II, Middle I, Middle II, Junior I, Junior II, Novice I, Novice II.  Yesterday the Novices I and II raced.  It is done by timing.  You start off at a certain time and you are timed how long you take to do the course.  I don’t know the times yet but I will tell you as soon as I know.  I am in the Novices II.

                                Have you got any Gooseberries yet this year.  I hope you can get some because you have got about 10 lbs of sugar haven’t you.  So you can make a lot of jam.  Do bottle some because they are very useful to bring back!!!

                                I had a very nice ‘tea’ yesterday of soup and new potatoes.



June 28th

                                17lbs of  Jam, what a lovely thought.  I always love your gooseberry Jam.

                                I was 27 in the Novices race out of about 50 people.  I took 5 min 15 secs.  Also after that there are two separate races, Novice I sculling races, Novice II sculling races.  It is a ‘knock out’ competition if you know what that is.  You should.  Anyhow two people are chosen for each lot of races from each Social, I was one of the two for Novice II, much to my surprise.

                                My race was on Monday against Moreton, I beat him much to my surprise, I took 5 mins, 10 secs, 5 secs shorter than my last go. 

                                Then I had to race someone else on Tuesday and I beat him again surprisingly.  I took 4 mins 42 secs.

                                The next day I had to race someone out of my own social but I kept on ramming the bank and he beat me easily.  But I got into the semi-finals which I have just told you about.  The person who beat me had one more race and won the Novice II so our social won it anyway.

                                To-morrow is Gaudy.  I expect I shall find plenty to do.

                                I am longing for the Holidays which are in only one months time and then two whole months!


July 3rd

                                I got the jacket and corn-flakes, thank you.


                                I haven’t told you yet but we get ice-cream here about twice a week which is lovely.  The other week (on Gaudy) we had ice-cream and cherries and one day we had ice-cream and strawberries (very few of them) I found three.

                                The Social fours (rowing) are in about three weeks time, we have got 6 fours which is pretty good, all our wet-bobs except for about two are in them, I am in the sixth four.        

                                About 60 fortresses[4] came over here this morning from a raid, a terrific noise is going on above my head which I expect is fortresses.  I’ve just looked out they were fortresses about twenty of them just in sight.

                                The weather here this week has been lovely and I had a nice long bathe yesterday.  I had quite a good tea to-day.


Undated but about July 10th

                                I have just bought a copy of ‘The Concise Oxford Dictionary’ for 4/9 which is very cheap.

                                I am still in the 6th four.  I have heard that we are going to race another Social 5th IV so we will have to race hard.

                                Do you think Pa could sell me back the fountain pen I sold him about two holidays ago.  I have lost mine, but am still looking for it, And this pen I have brought, which is pretty awful as you see.

                                Could you give me permission to get some travelling money.  You see if you give us written permission with a stated amount, and I suppose it will be put on the bill.

                                There are only two more weeks now the term seems to have gone very quickly.

                                We had ice cream and Strawberry jam for lunch to-day.  I had 3 bits of buttered toast and jam and some Asparagus soup for tea to-day which were very good.

                                I am reading ‘Rebecca’ (Daphne Du Maurier) which is very good, I think.


Undated, about July 20th

                                Dear Mox and Pox and Herr Michaelovitch VIII,

                                I hope you very well (I very much doubt it by the letter, especially H.M.VIII).  No wonder Michael has been sent on leave if he’s like that.

                                The trains home are very nice and they suit me well.  From what I hear we go to bed about 11.30 and get up at 5.00 then we have breakfast.  I can catch the 7.20 from here which gets to Reading at about 8.30, which gives me about an hour and a quarter to wait, but as the train is usually late into Reading about 40 minutes wait!

                                My behind is very sore from these IV’s, I have been out every day this week and it gets very tiring.  We will race on 20th inst. Of July and if we win again, I think, on the 22nd.

                                Please could you send me £1 or £1-10s in money please for travelling money (i.e. ticket and luggage).  I think I asked you last week if I could have it from the bill but it is too late now, so please you let me have it as soon as possible.


                                I went out in a IV yesterday and we rowed over the course and I didn’t feel nearly so worn out at the end of it as when we first went over the course.

                                I am going to have a bathe to-day, and am going, with most of the social to clear some weeds away out of the river for the Social four which are coming off this week.

                                I doubt if I will write again unless I write in the middle of the week because I would arrive home before the letter.

                                I had a lovely tea of four bits of well-margarined toast and marmalade which was very good indeed and some cocoa.

                                The exams start on Wednesday.  They will be much longer than I have been used to.

P.S.  could you send me one of my nice ties, the one with the foxe’s heads on it.  please



Winter Term 1943


Sept 26th

                                I got here safely and the trains were very good the 9.40 arrived in London just after 25 to 2.  I found my trunk and got a porter after some time and  I caught the train, to Radley,, which was very crowded but I got a seat from Reading onwards.  The sandwiches and cake were very good and I ate them on the train not in the lavatory!!!!!

                                I got here safely.  Pa gave me the pen in Bridgend and I am using it now.  I like it very much.  I am looking after a new boy, I hope I am doing it allright.

                                We started work on Thursday.  I am about 6 forms from the bottom now.  I have got one striped rugger vest and one white one.  I am trying to make do with one striped one but I may have to get another.  I believe I have lost the rest of my year’s sweet ration but don’t worry.  It may be allright and I am not sure.  We can always get another as you did with Pa’s, I hope.

                                The ticket from Paddington to Radley cost 8/11, could you please send me some or all of it back because that only leaves me with just over a pound also Pa owes me 7/6 so if you could send me a P.O. it would be very nice.

                                I am the private fag of the same person as last time who is now the head of the school.

                                We had to do the five-mile-walk on Saturday, for the Physical Efficiency tests for the J.T.C. [5].  I managed to do it in the senior (17-18) time in 48 minutes I think.  We do these Physical Efficiency tests for the first three weeks.  I am longing to play rugger.


Oct 2

                                Most of this week we have been doing physical efficiency tests.  Some College efficiency tests or standard.  Some army or J.T.C. efficiency tests or standards. 

                                Last Saturday I told you we had the 5 mile walk which I did in 48 minutes.  This week for the Army standards I have vaulted about 3 feet.  Climbed up 15 feet of rope.  Jumped 6 feet from a standing position.  For the college standards in which I got 5 points for the social which is the most we are allowed to get, each standard counts 1 point.  I have run half a mile in 2 mins 45 secs. 220 yards in 31 secs. 100 yards in 14 secs. High jumped 3ft 9 ins and the last is we have to throw a weight a certain way and a certain distance which I did.

                                I went into Abingdon to-day.  I bought two pounds of Coxes apples which ARE (not were!!!) very good.

                                I had my first game of rugger to-day and I scored one try.

                                One day when you go Rhys Williams sweet shop could you ask them if they have my sweet ration book because I may have left it in there.  I probably haven’t left it there but I may have done.

                                I don’t think I need any warm pants.  Anyhow not yet.  Do you know if my coat is ready yet?  It should be by now.

                                The Sports start to-morrow.  Has Michael got any Fives gloves at home?  I should like to try and play it.


October 9th

                                I expect I will start rugger properly on Monday, I have only played the one game so far.  I am glad to hear Pa’s cold is better.  I had one but I used my Benzedrine inhaler and put tons of Vapex on my handkerchief and it was allright in about two days.

                                I got my J.T.C. uniform the Wednesday before last and last Monday I had to wear it, all cleaned up and shining.  The corps boots were much too small, and I got some more, I hope you didn’t mind.  I didn’t have to pay coupons and they are lovely boots size 9 (they hadn’t any 81/2s so I got 9s).

                                Sports lasted all this week.  I went in for the Junior, 100 and 220 yds and ½ mile.  I came in about 6th or 7th in the half-mile out of about 12 or 14 and 5th or 6th  out of about 9 in the 220 yds.  I don’t know where I came in the 100 yds.  To-day also there was the Relay race.  There are three different ones, Junior, middle and senior.  4 are wanted from each Social for each group.  One of our people was sick or something and I was put in his place.  In the junior our Social was 2nd which counts some points.  but in the middle and seniors we did no good.

                                We are going to get our jam ration in 1 pound pots, but we have to return the pots, but that is allright, but it does mean we will get quite a lot and I may be able to bring 1 or even two pounds home.

                                I think I told you we break up on 17th December.  When does Dennis?

Sunday  I had a very good tea, (I ate a bit too much I have decided).



October 17th

                                We started rugger on Tuesday.  I am in Junior Colts 1.  So I should be able to get into Junior Colts.  I scored about 2 tries in Games.

                                In Rugger the Social is divided into two pieces, Junior Social and Senior Social.  There was a Junior Social rugger match on Friday, against another social.  I managed to get into the Junior Social Team.  I also managed to score 2 tries.  We won 34-0 nil.  When you get 30 you retire which we did.  We had 29 then got a try and a convert.

                                On Tuesday I got 3 letters.  One from Michael.  One from Dennis.  And one From Auntie Marjorie.  She said that she was coming down to Abingdon for a week and would it be possible for me to see her.  So I wrote back to her and said I could see her.  I got a telegram on Saturday night asking me to ring her up which after getting permission I did.  So I rang her up and after getting the wrong number I got through to her.  She said she had engaged a table at the ‘Crown and Thistle’ in Abingdon.  I met her there at 12,00 and we went for a walk along the river for about ¾ an hour.  Auntie Marj went up and stroked a big, black, cart-horse.  Just nearby was a huge white cart-horse.  Which just as we came near rolled on its back and snorted just like Simon.  I could hardly stop laughing.  We then went on and I told her all about our holidays etc. and gave her our new address, but I didn’t give her our telephone number as I wasn’t sure of it.  Is it 65?

                                We then went back and had lunch which though small was very good.  We had pork, Brussel sprouts, Potatoes (baked) and Gravy. soup and Apple and custard.  There wasn’t much but it was very good.  We also had Ginger beer and coffee afterwards.

                                We then went for another bicycle ride out of Abingdon to a very pretty little village called Clifton Hampden.  We crossed over a toll bridge and paid for our bikes 2d return.

                                We went for another walk by the river and back into the village where auntie Marjorie dropped her hat but we found it again.  We went on bicycling for some time and turned back again and had tea at a Place called ‘the Barley Mow’.

                                We cycled back to Abingdon and I said good-bye and Auntie Marjorie gave me 10/- which was very kind.  I went back here and arrived just in time for Chapel.

                                After Chapel I went to some films which were for the spotter’s club which I have joined.[6]  They were very good.  They were mostly M. of I. (Ministry of Information) films.  One about the Lofoten Isles, another about Lancasters another about Stalking and a proper short film about guarding your talking, which was amusing.

                                When I was out with Aunt Marj. I saw a pheasant.  Uncle Alec was very sorry he couldn’t come out from where they were staying as he had a cold.


October 23rd

                                There was a junior social match last week but we had a bye i.e. there was no-one to play against so we had a practice game. 

                                I went into Oxford on Wednesday and managed to get Vol II of the count of Monte Cristo but I couldn’t see vol I.  If you see it in Marlow, could you get it please.  It is an Everyman’s library book.

                                Junior Colts is the team, Junior Colts I and Junior Colts II are games.

There was a Spotters Club meeting yesterday.  There is a new third class test out and we are being shown the planes enlarged on a screen.


Undated but must fit here

                                I have decided to write this letter in diary from I hope you don’t mind.

Monday                It was field (day) to-day.  At breakfast we got our lunch in sandwich form.  The J.T.C. was divided into two parts: 2/5 defence and 3/5 attack.  I am in the defence.  We paraded at 9 o-clock.  We set off at about 20 to 10.  I was a bren-gunner, the bren gun was, I think, an ordinary rifle with a handle for carrying it.  We marched for about 2 ½ hours or so and we got to a hill.  By the way there was a thick fog which lasted till about midday.  When we got there we ate our lunch and got down in positions to defend the hill-top.  Once we got nicely settled down, to move to another place.  Then in about ½ an hour it was ‘zero hour’.  We went on a patrol but we didn’t see any ‘enemy’.  Then after being place and taken away again, we had to go on patrol, but just as the battle begun I got ‘killed’.  There were a lot of bangs and then the enemy came and we had to stop firing.

                                Then we had, after a fairly long wait, to start marching back again.  By this time it was very hot.  We got back in about 2 hours and changed and rushed over to supper.  I had a good supper with a pudding which we don’t usually have.  Then I lounged about and read till chapel and did the same till bed-time.  I went to bed feeling quite nice and tired.

Tuesday                I had a good night.  There was a thick fog that lasted all day.  In the afternoon we had a practice and game of rugger for a Junior Colts match to-morrow.  The sides were J.Colts V the rest.  I have managed to get into junior colts in the front row of the scrum.  We have a match to-morrow against St Edwards.  We will have to bicycle there.

Wednesday           I had a nice hot bath last night but I couldn’t stay in long. We had a parade instead of P.T. as we do every Wednesday.

                                I then went to the Social and changed into a suit so as to be prepared to go to Oxford, for the match.  We then bicycled into Oxford, changed and went out onto the pitch.  Their team was a little bigger on the whole, but in the scrum we seemed to push them off the ball quite often.  But they beat us easily 30-0nil.  They had a big right wing who scored most of the tries.  We had tea and came back slowly.

Thursday               Please could you send me another tin of that ‘COBRA DARK TAN’ boot polish.  I have used about 1 ½ tins so far this term.  There is hardly anything in them.         I saw a grey squirrel during P.T. this morning.  There was a junior social this afternoon.  We easily beat the other team 36 nil.  They had not got a good team, also they had their best person missing.  The game hardly lasted 20 minutes.

Friday                    I did Manual Labour to-day.  I think I told you what that was.  We did work instead of Games.  To-day I did some tree-cutting which I enjoyed very much for a change.  This evening there were the ‘Dons’ (Masters) plays.  They were very, very good indeed.  Almost all the masters took part.  There is another performance to-morrow (Saturday) night.  The first Perform. was for Eastbourne and the lower forms.  To-morrow’s Perform is the upper forms and the O.R.s (Old Radleians).  To-night there was the film ‘Old Bones of the River’ with Will Hay for the Upper forms and To-morrow night for the Lower forms.

Saturday               It is O.R.s (old Radleians) day to-day.  Many O.R.s come down and stay the week-end.  It is a whole holiday to-day.  there was a Junior Social match this Morning.  We beat the social we were playing 36 nil.  When we finished it was nearly time.  There was a Rugger Match O.R.s v. the 1st XV.  The 1st XV won but not by much.  We had to watch it; but it was worth watching.  There is nothing much to do till Chapel but after Chapel there is the film.

                                There is another thing I don’t think I have told you about which happens here.  I expect you remember at St Pirans we used to have industry marks.  Well here we have pluses (+) and minuses (-).  If you do well in a subject you get a + if you do badly you get a -.  The person (or persons) who get the most +‘s take the form list of pluses and minuses to the Warden and the last two weeks I took the list to the Warden.  I saw the film to-night and it was very good and I enjoyed it very much. 


November 1st

Monday                You are much too hopeful about my getting into Colts.  I haven’t a hope.  I expect you remember Soames.  Well he was in J. Colts last year and he isn’t in Colts, so I haven’t much hope of being in it.

Tuesday                For Manual labour to-day, I had to brush out some class-rooms which was very easy.  There weren’t any pluses or minuses last week.

Wednesday           I don’t know how but somehow I got into Junior Colts II.  We had a home match against St Edwards which we lost 38 nil.

Thursday               There was another Junior Social this afternoon which we won 30 nil, it was a hard game and I enjoyed it very much.  I didn’t score a try.  There are only two more matches to play.

Friday                    I have got a cold today and am off games.  But don’t worry I think it will soon be allright.

                                I haven’t found my sweet ration book yet.  I don’t know what to do about.

                Could you send me a tin of Brown boot polish please as I am running out and the polish here is awful.

Saturday               I was feeling absolutely rotten yesterday so I got leave off prep last night and went to bed about half past seven.  I am in bed to-day, but do not feel very ill.  Don’t worry, I shall probably get up to-morrow.  I think I have just got a chill.  I have read most of to-day.  As there isn’t much else to do.  I only got off four periods to-day, worst luck!!!!!

Sunday                  I got up to-day, But I am still considered sick.  I was only allowed out for meals.  I enjoyed myself very much.  I read pretty well all day.

Monday                I have enjoyed myself to-day and am almost myself again.  But my cold is much worse but don’t worry it will soon clear up.  I missed all the periods to-day and all the preps.


November 14th

                                I have decide not to write in diary form this week.  The parcel arrive on Saturday afternoon.  It was very nice of you to send the sweets.  Thank you very much indeed.  Also for the boot polish.

                                Junior Social was cancelled last week.  I don’t know why.  We had a game of rugger instead.  I scored one try.  I was off games till Thursday.  I had my haircut on Wednesday.

                                I have started reading ‘Lorna Doone’.  this will be the second time I have read it.  I like it very much.

                                I got five pluses last week but didn’t take the list to the Warden because of my being ill.

                                I felt rotten again to-day and of course I had to go to bed.  I am not in bed yet but will be soon.  You may get this a bit late if I can’t get it posted.  Don’t worry, I think I will be allright again soon.  It is chiefly a head-ache, but I think I have a chill.  I must have overeaten!  Although I have hardly eaten to-day.  DON’T WORRY. 

Tuesday                I’m afraid I went down to the Infirmary yesterday (i.e. the san).  All I did was read or listen to the wireless.  I heard a tune from the ‘Vagabond King’ which I expect you remember seeing.  Also I heard Monday Night at Eight.  I quite enjoyed myself.  I got up to-day and am now back in the Social so I’m O.K.


21 November

                                As you probably know by now I am in the infirmary with Jaundice.

I don’t feel many ill effects from it yet.  I had all the usual symptoms last week.  I hadn’t got any appetite and truthfully last week I lost 7 pounds (weight).  I know this because I had to weigh myself last week for the social boxing competition is coming off this week.  Also I had to weigh myself again to-day.  When I first weighed myself I was 10 stone 1 pound and when I weighed myself to-day I was 9 stone 8 lbs.  I don’t feel any ill-effects from this yet.  I don’t feel being ill yet and neither am I very yellow.  I have company of another person in my social who has it.  One person in our social had jaundice at the beginning of the term and I have caught it off him.  I am glad I have it now or I might have got it at Christmas time.  I was off games all last week. 

                                The worst about having Jaundice is the diet which is no fats allowed.  So I’ll get very thin and skinny!!!  I’ll have to have a chicken for myself when I get back home.  I have just seen a tree-creeper (A bird) creeping up a tree.


November 30th

                                I was discharged from the Infirmary at 11 o-clock to-day.  Although I haven’t properly recovered yet I was because I am in the way as they are quite full up.  The 2nd chill I had I think was definitely a ‘Jaundice’ chill.  I felt really rotten the week that I was up.  I didn’t feel at all bad once I was in bed.  I had quite a lot of eggs and one orange once but all the same I didn’t enjoy my diet.  The week that I was up and was off my food I lost 7 lbs but you needn’t believe me but it’s true.  I had quite a good time in bed.  I read ‘The Count of Monte Christo’ which I enjoyed very much.  I also looked at a lot of ‘Punch’ annuals they had in the infirmary which were very good.   The time went quite quickly.  We came off our diet on Monday even then we didn’t have any meat.  So now I haven’t had any meat for 9 days now. quite a time. I feel very much better now.

                                Any news of the sweet ration.


December 5th

                                The real reason why I came out of the infirmary so early was because they had scarlet fever down there and they didn’t want us to come into contact any more with it.  Anyhow I haven’t got it yet.  thank goodness.  You could send me a little chocolate if you don’t mind, but don’t send the ration book.  You could send me a few peppermint lumps as well if you want.

                                Monday                I am going to be head of Social Hall[7]  next term.  Tutor told me last term.

                                Could you send me some travelling money.  The ticket last time cost £1 I think.  it was a half single.  This time I will need a whole-return so could you send what you think is necessary.  I am not certain but it may have cost 10/-.  I don’t know yet but I was thinking of going to St Pirans unless they have broken up when I break up.  When I leave here I could get out at Maidenhead and stay for lunch and catch the 1-37 from Maidenhead and 2-45 from Reading.

                                I am on work again today.  We have won the Junior Social Comp. which is quite good.  I played in four out of the six.

P.S.         Only 10 more days till I go HOME.


December 11th

                                I had a letter from Mrs Tippet saying they were breaking up early on the 14th due to ‘flu’ so I won’t see them.  The trains aren’t all that good.  But still I think it will work allright.  Anyhow if I don’t arrive on Saturday at lunch, I’ll arrive at 6-o-clock (I hope).  I also had a short letter from Granny saying she would put me up for the night.  I am going to try and do some shopping in Maidenhead and Marlow.  I won’t need a return ticket.  I’ll get one from Radley home and one Reading to Maidenhead return.  I sending you a recipe for a Christmas cake and some Almond biscuits which I saw in the Sunday paper.  Hope they work.  I have got a bottle of lime juice at shop.  I have tasted some of it and am taking the rest home.

                                There are only five more days.

                                We had the social ‘shout’ last night also the social choir.  The ‘shout’ is that each social sings two songs which they have practiced.  The best gets a cup.  The social choir is almost the same.  Except it is the best singers in the social and not the whole social.

                                There was also the final of Senior Social yesterday..  We got into the final but were beaten.  (As we knew we would be).

                                Head of Social Hall means you are in charge of Social Hall.  It is quite good to be it.



Spring Term 1944


January 23rd

                                I am liking being head of Social Hall a fair amount.  It isn’t too bad at all.

                                I am in quite a high form now and am preparing for School Certificate, which I will probably take in the winter term.  There are 8 forms below me.  I have gone up 3 forms.  My form is called Upper Five Two.

                                Could you send me a 5/- book of stamps.  We had a game of rugger yesterday we won about 20-3. 

                                The two days before that I went for runs about 21/2 miles or 3 miles and I was very stiff after them but the stiffness has gone now.

                                My trunk and tuck box came safely on Wednesday.  Will my bike be coming soon?  I haven’t needed one yet luckily though I can borrow one if necessary.

                                The pants and vests aren’t too bad but a little big.  There is another hole in my sports coat and I will get it mended.  I’ve eaten about ½  the cake so far and it is very good indeed.  I swapped those Weetabix for an unused packet of Shredded Wheat which I think was a very good bargain.

                                I hope you aren’t feeling too lonely now but there are only about 10 more weeks which isn’t very long.


Sunday Undated

                                We had two or three games of rugger last week and I scored a try.  I had a game of squash yesterday and I quite enjoyed it.  Somebody showed me how to play.  I am going to have another game today.

                                I bought an egg this afternoon and put it in my pocket and forgot it was there.  Of course it bust and made a horrid mess.  But it is all right now.

                                A bit of choc will be very welcome.


February 6th

                                The parcel arrived safely on Saturday afternoon.  I didn’t find any clear gums in the parcel so I suppose you forgot to put them in.  I got the sweet ration card as well.

                Before I forget could you send me one of those blue bakelite plates, also if you buy any cakes in Bridgend or slab cakes or your own make of cake they are always welcome.

                                I have made quite a bit of Ginger Wine and am enjoying it very much indeed although it goes very fast.  The fat I took back has lasted quite well and I will finish it to-day.

                                I haven’t played any more games of squash this week.

                                I think I have passed the 3rd class Spotter’s test yesterday, I’m very pleased about it, but I’m not sure that I’ve passed yet.  I’ll know to-night.

                                I went down to the station yesterday to see if my bike was there but it wasn’t, but someone told me it was there when he went down to-day, so it’s O.K..

                                I scored one try in rugger last week.  Rowing begins next week beginning on the 14th not the 7th. 


February 13th

                                Will my sports coat be back from the cleaners soon, because the one here has gone into a hole at the right elbow.  I will send it home when I get the other one.  You will have to put some leather on the elbow or something like that.

                                My bike has arrived safe and sound and I collected it on Tuesday morning.

                                I will tell you what has happened in rugger this week.  All the people under 16 are divided into ‘leagues’, these are the same as games really but with 30 people in each.  I am in league II, which is the best league.  There are two other leagues I and III.  Last week we had matches against them both and beat them.  League I we beat 22-nil and league III we beat 9-3.  And yesterday we had a match against I & III combined and we beat them 10-nil.  It was a good game.  I scored a try in the latter two games.

                                Rowing I hope starts on Tuesday.  I am not sending my shirt home this week.  I hoe you don’t mind but they are done fairly well at the Laundry here.

                                Also could you send me also with the coat some ‘Crestona Ginger Wine Essence’ you can probably get it at Bevan’s at Southerndown, or in Bridgend somewhere.

                                I got 4 pluses this week and 1 last week.

                                I am afraid I burnt the whole of the handle off my knife while cooking which is a great pity.  I’m very sorry.

February 20th

                                Thank you for the parcel.  The cakes are very good indeed but are going very fast.  Last week we had two oranges each and they were both very good.  I have just thought I could have sent you one for a birthday present.  What a pity I didn’t.

                                I had three pluses last week, and took the list to the Warden to-day.

                                There were the Social Fours last week.  In the 1st IV we won the first two stages but were beaten by 2 seconds in the final.  We won the 1st stage in the 2nd IV but lost the next.  Yesterday a list of the 3rd IV went up and I was in it, I rowed yesterday and kept up O.K. but got a sore behind!  I doubt if I will stay in it long but I may, anyway I hope so.

                                I haven’t started my sweets ration but will probably do so soon.  I had a very good tea to-day and made some lovely toffee-fudge kind of stuff!!  It is very good.  I made it out of sugar and water.  I must try and send you some.


Sunday undated

                                I am still in the 3rd IV strange to say!!!  The coat hasn’t arrived to-day, worst luck.  I am glad you made some marmalade.  I think I told you that we have had two oranges.  On Shrove Tuesday we had a pancake and an orange and they were very good.

                                I am afraid my nice sports coat has gone altogether.  At both elbows, on the top of both pockets and at the ends of both sleeves also another hole above the right pocket.  But I suppose you could put leather there.  Anyhow I will send it home and you can see what is to be done.

Monday                I’m afraid my pyjamas ‘went’ last night.  There was nothing left of the behind.  I’ll send them home with the coat.  I am wrapping them up in that cake-tin and enclosing some sweets in a tube.  I hope you like them I made them myself.


March 12th

                                I hope I can manage till the end of term with two pairs of pyjamas as long as one of them doesn’t go the way of the last.  I hope I get the other coat in time to wear but I hardly thing it is worth having the old one cleaned, it will only get more holy still.

                                When I made those eggs last week, I’m afraid I don’t know the quantities but I put mostly milk, but a little water as well, and not much butter, but what I did was I melted the margarine poured the egg in the saucepan and took it off the gas-ring to scrape out the bowl the egg had been in, stirred it round in the saucepan and then started heating it again.  I don’t know if it made any difference all that but I doubt it, also I didn’t put any pepper in but it would probably have been nicer still if I had.

                                I am still in the 3rd IV.  I started rowing on stroke-side at the beginning of term then I changed to bow-side then I changed back to stroke side last-week and now I can row much better there and I’m called ‘a one-side oar’, not an uncommon thing.

                                I took the Spotter’s 3rd class test again last night and I got full marks 31 ex 31.  I hope so anyway.  I have got my certificate now for passing near the beginning of term.  You saw the one Michael got I think, well \mine’s like that.

                                By the way could you send me another packet of dried eggs please, I expect you can with all the eggs you should be getting.  By the way, how are the hens laying.

                                There are only 18 more days.  I hope they go and quickly.  The term seems to have gone frightfully quickly, I hope it keeps up it’s speed up.

P.S.         I thought of lots more to say during the night so I’ll have to start another page.  Last night just before going to bed I saw one of the grandest sights I’ve ever seen.  I saw hundreds (literally) of bombers going over with all their lights on it really was the best sight I have seen all the way to the horizon I thought I saw Flak but it was the bombers signalling to the ground.  You saw these bombers going over all their lights on in three’s.  In the background were searchlights lighting it up.  I certainly realised about Britain’s air-power.  It was about the first time I have heard bombers going over like that.  Hundreds!

                                I also know what Michael means when he says he likes the whistle of the American engines.  Because several times one has come past here whistling it is a lovely noise.

                Could you please send me some more Enos Fruit Salts if you can.


Sunday undated

                                I am still in the third IV, I don’t find it very cold this weather though.

I have had a very good week indeed this week.  There was no J.T.C. parade on Wednesday because those in the J.T.C. who have been here a year went on ‘Night Operations’ while the rest did ‘prep’.  And the people who did night ops did prep while we should have been on parade but instead we had some spare time.  On Friday there was a half-holiday because of the plays.  All that was extra spare-time and there was no ‘prep’.  Yesterday there were no games and I went into Oxford and shopped a bit but I didn’t get anything hardly.  And then in the evening I went to the play which was very good indeed and very well acted indeed, called ‘Strife’.  It was about a strike in some tin mines in Wales.  It may sound very boring but it was excellent.


Sunday undated

                                I went to Abingdon aerodrome yesterday with some other people from here of the Spotters club.  We just fired some guns from a turret.  We had done it before at home.  It was quite good fun doing it again.  Also yesterday there was a championship test of planes mostly foreign ones for those in the spotters club who wanted to t\urn up.  I got 75 ex 196 and was 5th.  Which wasn’t bad for me.

                                I am still in the third IV and getting on fine.  The races are next week.  I will tell you the results in my next letter.

                                I am glad the hens are laying well and long may it continue.  We will have thousands and thousands to eat next holidays.

                                I am glad you liked the toffee.  I should like to make some next holidays but it is very extravagant with sugar but I may be able to make some.

                                I am reading a very good book called ‘Jamaica Inn’ by Daphne Du Maurier.  We saw the film about two years ago with Charles Laughton.  Both were very good.

                                It is field-day tomorrow.  We are going to the place this time in buses and then going to have a battle.  I hope it comes off and the weather is nice.

Monday                We had a field-day today so I might as well tell you all about it.  In the morning we all paraded and were given rifles and blank cartridges and after waiting for ages we got into some buses and went to the other side of Oxford to a place called Hurst Hill.  The idea was that some ‘British paratroops’ had been ‘dropped’ in France and some ‘Germans’ were coming to drive them out.  I was a German.  When we got to Hurst Hill we debussed and after waiting ages by the road while the ‘British Paratroops’ to dig in.  Then we attacked them and about 10-clock we drove them out of their positions.  We then sat down and had lunch.  Then the ‘Paratroops’ counter-attacked.  And then a terrific battle ensued in which we delivered a counter-attack and I was killed.  That was about the end.  We got into buses and came back here and had supper and had to do prep which was a great nuisance as we don’t usually have it after field-day.

                                I may be sending you a pair of shoes home this week, because one pair has got a large hole in it and it might be possible to get them mended during the holidays sometime anyhow before the end.




Summer term 1944


Undated, Sunday

                                I am afraid a tragedy happened.  The winder of my watch broke off on Wednesday night.  I wrote you a letter that night and packed the watch up but I never posted it so have unwrapped the watch and am enclosing this letter with the other.

                                I am very happy here in my study which is looking very nice.  I am afraid there are several things I have forgotten.  Firstly a cloth of some kind for drying things on.  Do you think you could find me a piece of sheet or something.  Also I forgot to bring a mat back with me for my study but I fear that it will be difficult to send………you could bring the rug with you except its so bulky.  The cake was very good and has almost gone.  I am going to have most of the eggs this afternoon.  I hope they will be O.K.  Everything in my trunk came safely.

                                I am still in the same form and taking School Certificate next term.

                                I am sleeping over at the Infirmary in charge of some  new boys.  It isn’t very exciting or good fun.



                                I have been sculling a lot this last week and am enjoying it.  It is Ascension Day on Thursday and a whole holiday.  I am going on the river with two other people in a canoe.  I only hope it’s a nice day.

                                I am glad you got my watch safely.  I am reading ‘Berlin Diary’.  I am enjoying it very much.

                                In the J.T.C. two terms ago I told you I had a uniform, it was the kind they had in the last war with lots of buttons to clean.  Well on Wednesday I got battle-dress like the army wear.  It is much more comfortable and I am very pleased.



May 21st

                                I had a very good time on Ascension Day.  I went out with four other people in two canoes.  I was in one canoe with one person, the other three were in the other canoe.  They put everything on the bank out of their boat as they were going to ‘fight’ us because we had been annoying them.  Then they all fell in, because one of them stood up and tipped the boat up.  At that moment we were out of sight but five minutes later we saw three bedraggled specimens walking along the bank.  We rushed to the scene of the accident and after much trouble righted the boat.  They got into the boat and we all rowed back safely.  The weather was quite decent.  In all it cost me six shillings.

                                Today all those in the J.T.C. with battle-dress, all the S.C.C. (Senior Cadet Corps) and the A.T.C. (Air training Corps) went into Abingdon for a youth parade.  It was quite good fun and I enjoyed it.  There were girl guides and other things like that in the parade.  There was a service in the middle.  The weather was pretty foul.

                                I have been doing a lot of sculling lately, getting in training for the races which come off in about a week.

                                We had ice cream for lunch to-day which was very good.  It is the second time we have had it this term.

                                I am getting on well in work this term.  I got four pluses this week and took the list to the Warden.

                                Could you please send me some ‘Crestona’ Ginger Wine essence.



                                Yesterday was BOILING and I had a long bathe.  To-day promises to be hotter still and I am wearing a silk shirt.  It is very comfortable and cool.  I am going to bathe this afternoon.  I am going to try and get the bronze medallion for life-saving.  Anybody who wants can try to get it every summer and about twenty people try every year.  When you have got it you are allowed to bathe at any time, which you are not allowed to do ordinarily.

Evening                 It has been BOILING.  I’ve never know it so hot.  I had a gorgeous bathe this afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed it.  At the present moment I am sitting in my study without a coat or tie and am still hot.  I am racing in some sculling races next week, and if it gets as hot as it is now I shall faint!!  When I was bathing an aeroplane kept coming over about six foot from the water.  Several times it flew just under some telegraph poles.  It was an American plane and we could see the people in it very clearly.

                                I am very sorry, but could you please send me some more money.  Last term I had a lot of my own but this term I didn’t bring any of my own back and I spent 10/- on Ascension Day alone.

                                It is half-holiday to-morrow because of Whit-Monday and I am probably going to Oxford to get a fountain pen if I can as mine leaks abominably.

P.S.                         I got 3 pluses this week.


June 4th

                                Thank you very much for your letter and the pound.  Don’t bother to bring the squash racket when you come as I don’t think I’ll need it this term and it is very cumbersome.  We had some very good kippers for breakfast.

                                I had my sculling races  last week.  I didn’t do very well.  I lost my race yesterday, only it was against the probable winner.  It was a very close race.


June 26

                                I got the watch safely and I was very pleased to get it.  I have not been doing much sculling this week.  The Social fours are in about a month.

                                There was a J.T.C. inspection on Wednesday.  We were inspected by a Brigadier.  We had a whole holiday that day and it was quite good fun.

                                I have found quite a nice desk which somebody wants to sell, and I want one for my study, as I am only borrowing one this term, but he wants rather a lot for it.  I am considering buying it, but may not as I haven’t got a frightful lot of money and there’s still quite a long time to go.  What do you think?


3rd July

                                I should think the Ramillies is back in action again, because it mentioned in the papers that battleships had been shelling again, which I haven’t seen for about a week or more.

                                I had a very nice day yesterday (Sunday).  I went to the home on my Study Companion with him and four other boys[8] .  It rained most of the time but I had great fun.  I went on the river and enjoyed myself.  I tried using a punt pole but it wasn’t a great success.  He had a horse but I was a bit too heavy for it, but I had a two hundred yard canter and I really enjoyed it.  It was so strange riding again after about 50 years!!!!

                                I got six pluses last week and took the list to the Warden.  Exams start next week, I think; we have them at the end of every term except Easter.

                                I should keep Michael’s sweets till the end of the term, and I’ll eat them if it isn’t too great a temptation for you.


9th July

                                I had a short note from Granny….She wanted to know if we were allowed to come and watch the race at Henley (Radley was beaten by Eton there by 1 ½ lengths which wasn’t too bad).  We weren’t allowed to watch it so I wrote back and told her so.  With any luck I’ll be racing at Henley in two or three years.

                                You never told me definitely you were going to drive an ambulance.  I am glad you are going to do it as it will give you a change from Dusting!!

                                I got four pluses this week but I’m not quite sure if I’m taking it to him this week, I don’t think I am.

                                I hope you don’t eat all Michael’s sweets before I come home, but I’m sure I couldn’t resist them.

                                We have started practicing for the Social fours, which are in about ten days to a fortnight.  I am in the third four and getting along fine.

                                I have almost run out of jam, I fear.  If you have the points to spare could you send me a lb or two of marmalade.  It’s cheaper than treacle in the point line, isn’t it.  Only four points per tin.

                                I took the new third-class spotters test and got 40 ex 40 which pleases me very much.  I also took the 2nd class but don’t know if I passed.  You have to get 90 ex 100 to pass.  I can tell you later in this letter.  (it was 78).

                                My watch is going very well.  It gains about a minute per 24 hours or a bit less, which isn’t too bad.

                                I have been appointed a Member of the Junior Games Committee.  I can’t really explain what that is as I don’t know myself.


Sunday undated

                                Thank you very much indeed for  your nice letter which arrived at the same time as the jam, which I was very pleased to get (thank you!).

                                The exams have started now.  We had one (Geography) yesterday.  The rest are on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.

                                We have been practicing a lot for the social fours this week.  They start on Thursday I think.

                                It is a very nice thought but I will be home in about 10 days, and I’m longing to be home.

                                My life saving went quite well yesterday.  We are taking the test next week.  I don’t know if I’ll pass because we haven’t practiced much.

                                I got four pluses last week and DIDN’T take the list to the Warden!!!


Sunday undated

                                I took my bronze medallion for life saving and I passed.  I was frightfully please at passing.  That was to-day and now I am feeling very tired indeed and when I have finished this I must ‘turn in’.

                                It is a lovely thought being back home in about four days.  I have got quite a lot of work to do next holidays, mental and physical.  I’ll come back the usual way.  9.45 from Reading, 2.15 from Bridgend or the 1.15 (I hope).  I will avoid London.  I haven’t seen a single flying bomb yet (Touch wood).

                                We had the end of term exams last week and I did quite well on the whole, and I think I was top of my form.  The only exam I was (not?) top in was science.

                                The social fours also started last week as well as the bumping races.  I was rowing in the third four but we were beaten as well as out fourth and fifth.  One of our men strained his back in the third four and we had to have a substitute at the last minute, but we only lost by 3 seconds.  Our first IV was bumped but the second has not been yet and is still leading.  I had a very good tea to-day. 

                                I am longing to see you again.





Winter Term 1944



                                I had a fair journey.  My trunk and box both arrived very safely last night.  I will send the box back soon.  There is one thing I have forgotten to bring and that is a red note-book in the sitting-room on a chair.  Please could you send it as soon as possible as I must have it.  If it isn’t on the chair it may be under it.

                                Another thing I have forgotten is my Spotter’s Club membership card.  It is on the mantelpiece in Dennis’ room near the book-case.  Could you please send it soon.  I am sorry I forgot these but I usually forget a lot more.


September 30th

                                I am very happy here and getting on well in my work and I have played one game of rugger so far and that was to-day.

Sunday                  I am wearing one of my new shirts and it is very comfortable and VERY warm indeed.

                                I saw something this morning which I think will interest you, if it doesn’t make you cry.  It was that 30,000 bottles of brandy, intended for export, had been burnt in Portugal.

                                The sandwiches which I had on the train were very good indeed.  So were the cake and biscuits, which were in my trunk.

                                The term probably ends on the 14th of December.  School Certificate Exams start on the 30th November.

                                I don’t think I told you but I am in Colts game in rugger.  If I get into the team I will miss seeing Denis Corkery[9] because he said he was going to come over here for the Wellington match (He was at Wellington) and on the same day Colts have got an away match.

                                I am going to have some Partridge for tea, because Soames shot two the day before he came back and they have been cooked to-day and the smell in here is lovely.



                                My apples arrived yesterday.  They are very good indeed.  I think they are Worcester pomaines.   You could send me the man’s address so I can send back the crate to him, or doesn’t he want it.

                                I had a game of rugger yesterday.  I enjoyed it very much more than I did last week.  I am getting on quite well in my work and I got two pluses this week.


October 15th

                                Dear Mummy and Daddy and the Snottie if he’s still at home.[10]  (Dennis was on leave changing ships, leaving the Ramillies but not knowing what his next posting would be.  Snottie is a rude word for midshipman.)

                                I hope you and all the family of egg-layers and hair-scatterers (Simon) are all very well.

                                I am very well and getting on fine in everything.  I got 5 pluses this week and took the list to the Warden.

                                I am VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, Jealous of you and your car rides to Abergavenny and the Red-Lion.  I think it is disgraceful; I do really!!!!!! [11].  I am glad the car is still in working order, if Dennis has been driving all the time.  I hope the dog enjoyed it.  Did you climb up either of my mountains.

                                I have started rugger in earnest this week and I have played about 4 games.  I am probably going to be in Colts team, but I don’t know definitely yet.  I am glad you made some crab-apple jam; is there any left, or has Dennis eaten it all?


October 21st

                                I got six pluses this week and am taking the list to the warden to-morrow.

                                I nearly got into Colts team for the match to-day but didn’t quite.  I did not mind much not being in the team as it wasn’t a very interesting match and we were easily beaten.

                                On Friday there was a Junior Social Rugger match against the social called Cocks which w won 24-0.  I was playing and scored 1 try.


October 29th

                                I only got four pluses this week but I am taking the list to the Warden again.

                                I forgot to tell you but I managed to get a pair of size nine rugger boots, so I won’t need Dennis’s.  I have played quite a lot of rugger this week and I have enjoyed myself.  There was another Junior Social match on Friday, against Easons which we won 8-3, although we had our two best men missing.  I played in it.

                                Yesterday I went to Oxford and got a book to the value of 10/- for my form prize.  If I hadn’t tied top I would have been able to get one to the value of £1.  I got a book called ‘Just Dogs’ by C.F.Barker.  It is full of lovely sketches by him.[12]  (I was mercifully ragged for choosing such a mundane book when I should have been selecting something highbrow).

                                I had a good tea this afternoon consisting of some very good pilchards, some toast and treacle and plums and they were very good.

                                I am having a very enjoyable time this term and am very happy and getting on well in everything.


November 8th

                                Last week has been quite a good week as it was All Saints week-end and all the Old Radleians, who can come, come down.  Also all the masters give a play, which I saw last night;  it was very, very good indeed and very funny indeed.  It was more or less a whole holiday yesterday, but in the middle of the morning we had another Junior Social match against Southams which we lost 14-nil and in the afternoon there was a 1st XV match V the O.C.T.U. at a place called Purbright which we won 24-nil.

                                I am getting on quite well in all things and quite happy.


November 18th[13]

                There was a Colt’s match on Thursday against Wellington which we lost 11-0 nil, and another on Saturday, to-day, against Eastbourne which we won 3-0 nil.  I did not play in either of them.  The other Colts matches have been cancelled and so I shall be able to see Denis Corkery here on December 2nd, you remember before there was an away Colt’s match that day.

                                I got on well in my work this week and got 5 pluses and am taking the list to the Warden.

                                Have you had any more news from the Pilot-Officer in the land of the Canadians.

                                The night before last it rained very hard and my cubicle got flooded.  I do not know if it was due to that or to my walks with you but I think I have got a bit of a chill and have been off games for the last two days.  I feel perfectly O.K. and will be allright soon, so don’t worry.

                                A thing I must tell you is that my Daks, the old one’s of Dennis, have gone, well and truly in the seat, so I don’t think they can stand much more use.



                                I have quite recovered from my cold now.  The cake was very good indeed thank you, but it went very quickly.

                                I am taking the School Certificate beginning on Thursday.  I do hope I do well.  I feel quite confident about passing, but I want to try and matriculate (i.e. get 5 credits)


December 3rd

                                The exams which I have done so far are ‘English Language’ which was quite easy on the whole; Elementary Maths I which was also easyish and the Practical Chemistry exam which was good fun and very easy.

                                I got my hair cut on Friday and it was cut very well, for a change.

I have got my sweet coupons now, which I’m very please about.  I haven’t got this months rations but have got next, which means 1 ½  lbs of sweets which isn’t too bad.

                                I did not manage to see Denis Corkery as I discovered the match v Wellington was away and not here, and I sent him a telegram not to come.  On Tuesday there was a Junior Social match against Patons which we drew 0-0.  On Thursday there was the last Junior Social match against Watkins which we won 28-0 nil.  I scored one try.

                                There is going to be a steeplechase on Tuesday, it is only about two miles long.  I am going in for it.  I hope I get on well.  The 1st eight people in count.

                                There is only a very short time till I come home to see the sea, the seaside, the sands, Simon, Llancarreg, the hens, some fresh eggs!! and You.



                                I am writing this during an exam as I have finished it.  Don’t get worried, I think I’ve done quite well in it.  We have had a lot of our exams this week and there are only six more left now.

                                I think I am doing quite well in the exams but I don’t really know, I can’t tell.

                                In the steeplechase on Tuesday there were 144 people going in for the junior one (under 16) and I came in ninth, which isn’t too bad, but, what is annoying, only the first eight people get places.

                                I am probably buying a desk this term for about 25/- but I don’t know yet.

                                I very much doubt if I shall play any more rugger this term.  I am going to send my bicycle home as it needs repairing badly and I doubt if it worth keeping it really but I shall send it home and see.  I haven’t got any exams to-morrow and so am going home with another boy for the morning.  It is very nice and near the end of term now isn’t it?  only about 5 more days till I see you.  I shall come home on the 14th




Spring Term 1945


January 21st

                                I am very well and have settled down nicely.  I am in a form called the Modern[14] (as opposed to the Classical) Remove 2.  I am very happy.

                                I travelled up to Cardiff with the Corkery family less Denis.  I went all the way up to Didcot with Catharine Corkery.  My connection at Didcot was about twenty minutes late and I had to stand all the way to Oxford which didn’t take long.  I had to pay 11d difference on my ticket.  I went straight to Fullers and had lunch which cost me 2/4.  I then went on to try and shop.  I went to a shop called Burtons and got a nice pair of grey-flannel trousers costing 30/-.  Then I went to another shop and got a nice hat (A Battersby hat) for 20/-.I went then and saw a film called ‘That Night in Rio’ with Carmen Miranda, Alice Faye and Don Ameche.  It was on at the Palace in Bridgend last week.  It was quite good.  It cost me 2/9.  I will send you the two bills for the trousers and the hat.  All this cost me 56/-.  I then bussed back to school.  I didn’t try to get any shoes as I discovered that I had only got six coupons left, that were usable.  We were very silly not to have put the other page in before I left.  I meant to ask you to.  Please could you send it to me.

                                I am sleeping with five other people in the Warden’s house as there is not enough room for everybody in the social.  It is quite pleasant over there and much more civilized.

                                The main work I now do is French.  I have started doing German.  I do a bit of Maths and English.  I still have to do Latin though it is of no use to me.  I also do a little history.

                                I have started rowing now and with any luck I’ll be in the second IV.  The races start on February 14 which is quite soon.

                                I went to Communion this morning and enjoyed it very much.

                                The shortbread was very good, but I am afraid it went very quickly.  Michael’s sweets are still going strong.  I am using the pen he gave me and a sheet of fifth avenue writing paper now.  It is very nice paper.

                                I am now reading ‘The Last Train from Berlin’.  It is by an American war correspondent called Howard Smith.  It is very good and rather similar to ‘Berlin Diary’.  It actually mentions ‘Berlin Diary’ in it.[15]

                                I am taking Higher Certificate in the summer of 1946.


January 28th

                                We are not allowed to go into either Oxford or Abingdon now as there is too much Scarlet Fever and Flu about and they are frightened we will catch it.

                                In the Social rowing the two fours are being combined into one eight.  It is great fun rowing in a light eight after a heavy four and you go at a lovely speed.  I am rowing no 4 (from the bows).  We have a very good coach.  I have only rowed in a light boat once or twice before last summer.  It is lovely.  The races are on the 14, 15, 16, 17 of February; that is starting in a fortnight.

                                I bet you can’t guess what I have been doing for four hours of the day.  I have been learning to skate.  I got on quite well after a time and now I am feeling that I may be able to do quite well.  I have lost count of the number of falls which I had, but it is quite a considerable number.  If it doesn’t thaw soon, I will be able to skate quite well soon.  Apparently the river was frozen over slightly this morning….if it goes on like this, the rowing will have to be called off for a considerable time, because the river will freeze hard.

                                I am getting on quite well with my German now and have learnt quite a lot, much more than I thought I would learn in a term.  I have come across the German for ‘walkies’.

                                The Spotter’s club has been closed down now, and there was an auction of all its belongings last night but there was hardly anything worth buying on sale.  I don’t quite know why it has closed down.  Its s great pity in a way, although it never seemed to do much.

                                Now that I have passed School Cert I don’t have pluses and minuses but I have three-weekly reports.  What they are like I don’t quite know.  The war news is absolutely astounding isn’t it.  It seems to be getting better.  Let’s hope the was won’t last long after Easter as we thought a short time ago.

                                There is a notice up here which says that boys in the J.T.C. may be able to go for a trip in aeroplanes and/or Gliders but that parents written permission is needed so do you think you could send me your permission.  I don’t think for a moment I’ll go up but its best to be prepared.


February 4th

                                There was no rowing on Tuesday as there were great ice bergs floating down the river and it would have been too dangerous.  So I had quite a nice snowball fight that afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I am getting on quite well with my rowing in eights and am enjoying immensely.  The races are on Tuesday week.  The term  itself seems to be flying.  By the way since the thaw began the river has risen over two and a half feet and is well over the banks in many places and if it rises any further it will be over everything.

                                I have heard my School Certificate marks but they are only unofficial.  They are much lower than I thought they could possibly be, but the standard must have been very low indeed.  Still I don’t mind.  I will hear my marks officially next week.

                                We had quite a good film show tonight about Natural History.  There was one film called the ‘Sparrow Hawk’ which was all about the nesting, birth and upbringing of Sparrow-Hawks.  There were some most incredible shots of the nest and the young birds.  There was also another film of marsh-birds.  There were some Great Crested Grebe and Swans and some Owls and a polecat eating the eggs.  It was all very interesting.


February 10th

                                I am so glad that you have had some Grape-Fruit.  I am very envious of you.  I know someone who had one last Sunday and I had a little taste of it and it was absolutely gorgeous.  The £1 note arrived safely in the letter without any mishap.  Thank you very much for it.

                                I have been getting along beautifully in my rowing and I am still in one of the trial VIIIs, the same one.  We are racing Trial VIII D next week, I think it is on Saturday, but I am not sure.  It ought to be a good race, and I hope I get on well.  The rowing this week has been lovely as it has all been in perfect weather, with no wind and plenty of sun.  The river itself is beautifully clean, the cleanest, I think, that I have ever seen it, but it is still very cold indeed.  We rowed every day last week.  I had quite a lot of blisters on my hand but they didn’t hurt at all; they look allright now and I can’t feel them at all.

                                It is field-day to-morrow and in the morning there is going to be a demonstration by the Royal Artillery and I believe an aeroplane is going to land on the pitch, so it ought to be rather good fun.  We get off all work for it, which is a nice thought!!!!

                                We had quite a decent chapel this morning and really quite a good (and quite short!!) sermon.  Almost all the sermons that we have had this term seem to have been quite good.  I have just been playing a quite energetic game of hockey.


February 18th

                                On Friday night Michael rang me up and asked if I could come out the next day.  I said that I could manage to come; I then rang up the ‘Crown and Thistle’ to book a table for lunch, and I managed to book one.

                                So Michael bicycled over here in the morning and met me here at half-past twelve.  It was lovely to see him again and he sounded very well, although slightly tired after bicycling twenty miles.  We then bicycled into Abingdon and had a very nice lunch of minced chicken and Jelly and cream, which we both enjoyed very much.  I then had to bicycle back to college here and change as the trial VIII races were that afternoon.  Michael met me at the gates and we bicycled down to the river and he watched me row, which I think he enjoyed very much.

                                We have been out practicing for the race every day of the week, but we haven’t been getting on frightfully well.  Anyhow, the race, a mile long, went absolutely marvellously, and although we were down at the start we gradually went up and after a bit we got half a length ahead and we stayed that much ahead for the rest of the race and we, thus, won, much to our pleasure.  I was very glad that Michael was able to see me win and not lose.  It was a very good race.

                                I then bicycled back to college, changed and rushed into Abingdon, where Michael had previously gone to try and get some tea.  Michael was going to catch the 5 to five train from Radley but by that time there was only another twenty minutes and so he couldn’t manage it.  So we went to quite a nice café and had quite a good tea, which I enjoyed very much.  We tried to get some ice-cream, but they had just run out, but we managed to get the scrapings, but it was pretty horrible as it was very hard and made with dried milk.  We then ordered some sausages and chips, but they took ages to make it, but before it was ready we had to go out, as it had already taken twenty-five minutes to be made.  I rushed off back here, while Michael pumped his tyre up, as he had a puncture, the second that day.  Unluckily I couldn’t go back with him.  I got back with a minute to spare before Chapel, but what happened to Michael I don’t know.  He ought to have got his train easily.

                                Last Monday was field-day and we had a grand time. The Royal Artillery came along and gave us a demonstration, with twenty-five pounder guns.  They fired about forty rounds of blank ammunition and made a terrific noise but it was great fun.  Then the next part of the demonstration was as Auster landing on the pitch.  This plane circled round twice and landed.  Then the pilot gave a short talk on it and took off, and landed again.  It was marvellous seeing it landing and taking off and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing.

                                By the way I got Michael’s address.  The aerodrome is at Hampstead Norris.  He says that it is a most lovely place, quite small surrounded by lovely country.  He is coming home on leave sometime round about April the seventh so I ought to be at home with him for the whole of his leave.


February 20th

                                On Wednesday the rowing races began.  We didn’t race that day as, you see, there are only seven eights and one has to have a miss, the first day.  Well anyhow the next day we had a nice easy race, at least it wasn’t all that easy during the race, what I mean is, we had a nice easy win, by 31 seconds.  The next day there was no rowing; but the next, Saturday, were the finals; and we were in them.  We didn’t really expect to win, but we were all hoping hard.  But we lost by 11 seconds which isn’t really all that Bad.  It was a very good race.  The course is just over a mile long, compared with the Oxford and Cambridge course of about five miles.  Anyhow we got a cup, as there were two cups going for the race as they are usually raced as two separate fours instead of one eight.  this is quite a nice Consolation.

                                What pleases me is that I got my second four (IV) Social rowing vest.  It doesn’t mean a great lot as you get awarded it almost automatically as you row in the second four (or in the social eight).  By the way I took the liberty of getting two more rowing vests.  First because my old ones are beginning to go to the dogs and also because they are the wrong shape for the 2nd IV vest; because you see all that has to be done to convert the ordinary vest into a second four vest is for a black strip to be put down the front.  So I got two more vests and am getting some black material put down the front.  By the way the rowing vests were 6 coupons altogether (3 each).

                                I received a very sweet letter from Granny last week in which she enclosed a £1 postal order; a ‘little’ present (as she calls it) for getting my School Certificate.  She sounds very happy.

                                The P.T. competition is to-morrow afternoon.  I hope it is a success.  On Thursday we have to run a mile in a certain time which is another part of these P.T. competitions.  I hope I can do it, but I ought to be able to.  The poor people over 161/2 have to run two miles.  But I won’t have to do that even next year as I will be just too young.  Rowing ends sometime before the 20th of March and Sports are then.

                                I don’t think that I have told you yet that I am taking an exam in the J.Y.C. at the end of this term.  It is called ’Certificate ‘A’ Part I’.  It is very useful to get it as it puts you up quite a bit in the army, navy or air force.  Next term also, if I get the exam thi9s term, I will take ‘Certificate ‘A’ Part II’ which is very useful as well if not more useful.  They are both really just exams being tested on what you know about weapons, map-reading and drill, although there are a lot more intricacies as well.

                                I am in very good health and very happy.  I am getting on well in my work I think, anyhow I am enjoying it which is quite a lot, and I think I am learning a lot, which is the main thing.


February 22nd

                                On Tuesday was the P.T. competition and the Obstacle course which was part of the P.T. competition as was the mile run which we have just run to-day (Thursday).  It was a gorgeous day on Tuesday, absolutely perfect for the thing.  It seemed that the day was made for the competition.  We got on very well and everything went very well and we came out on top in the actual P.T. with 90% which was very good indeed; we have much more handicap than the other socials as we are much larger than most.

                                The Obstacle course didn’t go as well, it was difficult, and there was much less time given than last year.  I didn’t manage to do it in time.  Yesterday I had no games at all and I went into Oxford and had a very good time.  I managed to get a hair-cut, and I can tell you I needed one extremely badly.  I went to Manfield’s to try and get a pair of shoes but they were shut with a notice on the door ‘Shut.  Today’s stock sold out’.  So I went on to ‘Freeman, Hardy and Willis’ and the 1st pair of shoes they produced I liked.  They were made in Scotland of ‘Zug’ leather.  They cost 33/7 which is a very reasonable price.  They haven’t got any toe-caps.  Before I came back you gave me 60/- for clothes etc.  I spent 56/- which I told you about in the first letter of term.  therefore plus the 33/7 you owe me 29/7.  I don’t mind if you don’t send it to me this term, but keep it for the holidays, as I think I can last out on the postal-order which Granny sent me.

                                To-day I shot for the social in a competition which is called ‘The Collis-Browne Shooting Shield’.  I got 62 out of 70 which isn’t at all bad.  It is the best score that I have had since I have been here.

                                I also had to run a mile for the P.T. competition.  It is quite tiring doing it but I managed to get round allright.  You were allowed 6 min. 10 secs and I took about 6 minutes.

                                The things which you have in Post-Certificate forms and which are equivalent to pluses and minuses are the three-weekly reports.  The first lot of these came out on Sunday and I have just seen mine.  They are satisfactory and if anything better than I expected.  I was very pleased.

                                Yesterday we saw some gliders, towed by Dakotas flying west, I wonder if there has been an invasion, or at least a paratroop landing, somewhere behind the German lines.



February 26th

                                I am almost sure we break up on 27th March.  It is a Tuesday.  On Saturday (yesterday) I went out in one of the trial eights.  They are trials for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd eights next term.  It doesn’t mean much my getting into an eight as everybody is tried for them.  If I stay in an eight it is quite a good accomplishment, but it is very doubtful if I will get into an eight next term (i.e.1st, 2nd or 3rd VIII).  Still there is no harm in hoping and going on hoping.  I have had a very good day to-day.

                                This afternoon I bicycled over to Cowley, which is near Oxford, where they make a large number of the Morris Cars; well I went with about fourteen other people to the Rifle Range at the Army Barracks there.  Our J.T.C. sergeant-major is a sergeant-major at the Barracks there and he bicycles over here everyday.  Well, on Sundays, for about the last one and a half terms, we have been allowed to go and shoot there.  I shot with a sten-gun, a small tommy-gun or light carbine-machine gun.  I expect that you have seen a lot of them in the papers during the last three years.  It was great fun, although I only fired 30 rounds and had to bicycle about fourteen miles there and back.  It was worth going and I expect I shall go again at the next possible chance.

                                There was a talk last night to the Junior Scientific Society, of, I think I have told you, I am a member.  The talk, at least it was three different talks, weren’t very interesting; they were by the boys themselves.  In this society about a fortnight ago, there was a very interesting talk by a master, who is an expert on the subject, on the geology of the Radley District; it was very interesting.

                                By the way our ‘attainments’ came out this Sunday.  I think I have explained to you what they are before, but in case you have forgotten I will tell you.  They come out every half-term and end of term and represent your standard of work and your improvements.  They are divided into three different groups.  Just ‘a’ ‘*’ ‘x’; ‘a’ = good ‘*’ =medium ‘x’ = not good.  Well everything of mine was under the ‘a’ but one of them was queried which just means that there is a query whether you are good or not.

                                By the way, on the Sunday when I went shooting I saw two partridges , (which I didn’t shoot!!!) and a jet plane.[16] I expect  you saw about the jet planes in to-day’s papers.  From the description it looked like one of the De Havilland ones with two jets.  Still I don’t know at all.  But it was travelling at a terrific rate.


March 1

                                I think I told you that in the final order of sports we weren’t top.  We were 6th out of  7.  We were just top in the P.T., but there are several things besides the P.T.  Actually that wasn’t the actual sports, which come off at the end of term, in about a fortnight’s time.

                                I am still rowing in an eight.  I have been out every day since I last wrote to you.  I am getting on quite well.  I am still in one, but for how long I will remain I cannot say for certain.  If I am lucky I will stay in one, but I am still keeping on hoping and hoping.  The day before yesterday when rowing there was quite a wind and their were great big waves on the river and it was very difficult to row and they kept on splashing over the edge.  Anyhow I didn’t fall in!!!

                                We are doing very well in this shooting competition at the present moment, but there are still two more people to shoot and we may do better.  At the present we are fourth.

                                I went to a meeting of the Gramophone society yesterday and amongst other things heard the ‘Nutcracker suite’ by Tchaikovsky which I enjoyed very much.

                                The war seems to be going extremely well at the moment, don’t you agree.  There seems to be astounding things happening in all the theatres of war.  I am still keeping up my map of the Pacific but the wind will persist in blowing all the flags out and they all get hidden under the carpet.



March 4th

                                You know that I took some china ornaments back two terms ago, well last Sunday the big China Bear got broken.  Two of the legs came off which have been stuck on again without blemish, but the nose was badly chipped and I haven’t been able to find all the bits; it’s a great pity, but it can’t be helped.  I am quite surprised that it hasn’t been broken before.

                                                There weren’t any eights yesterday or the day before because of the play, so I went sculling.  I am allowed to use some lighter boats for sculling in, now that I am in an eight, (I still don’t know absolutely definitely whether I am in one or not) and I have been for two lovely long  sculls and I enjoyed them both.  I must have sculled ten miles in all, which is quite a way, although it doesn’t sound very much.  The weather, both days, was absolutely perfect.

                                Do you think you could send me the thirty shillings you owe me, if it would (not) be too much trouble, I’m sorry to bother you.

                                My work is still going on satisfactorily.



March 22nd

                                This is the last letter which I shall write to you this term.  What a lovely thought.  I shan’t write to you on Sunday as I shall be home as soon as the letter.  I am \longing to be home and there is very little to wait now.  This time in five days I shall have seen the sea.

                                There was Certificate ‘A’ Part I on Monday.  It wasn’t a very nice day.  I got on very well and I enjoyed the whole thing quite a bit.  I passed.  In fact everyone passed.  What annoys me is that the marks didn’t go up so I can’t tell where I came.

                                On Tuesday the Sports started in earnest.  Everything went on very well.  You are only allowed to go in for four events, which is a nuisance.  I went in for the 100yds, 220 yds, ½ mile and the Discus (If Pa doesn’t know what that is (he ought to) I will explain it when I come home).  In the heats of the 100 yds I was knocked out.  In the heats of the Discus and the ½ mile I got into the finals and in the 220 I got into the semi-final but was knocked out.

                                I sent off my bike today.  Expect me at 1.30 or 2.30 on Tuesday.









Summer Term 1945


May 6th

                                I had a very good journey and it seemed to go very quickly.  And but for an hour’s wait at Swindon I enjoyed it very much.  My trunk and bike were both very conveniently ready when I got here.  Everything in the trunk was safe and sound when it arrived.  The cake was soon demolished but there is still a little bit of the cheese left. 

                                I went into Oxford on Wednesday and had a very enjoyable time and I brought a painting of geese by Peter Scott.

                                We are having ice creams here at the shop.  They are simply gorgeous and they are made by Walls and although they cost quite a bit and there is always a great queue for them it is well worth queuing.

                                I am happy and enjoying myself very much.  We haven’t done much work this term so far but there will be plenty to do in the near future.  As well I haven’t done much rowing although I have been out sculling twice.

                                The new shoes are very nice and they fit very well as far as I can tell.  I am wearing them now as my others are very wet from yesterday’s rain.  As for the trousers I have not really worn them yet, so I don’t know what they are like but they look very nice.

                                I am going out on the river next Thursday as it is Ascension day, and we all get a whole holiday.  There is going to be a bonfire and plenty of other celebrations on VE (Victory in Europe) day and goodness knows what time we will get to bed.

                                Its terrible as I am infested with fleas and all the time I am discovering fresh bites.

                                The war seems to be almost at an end and we ought to be having VE day any day now.  To-morrow would suit me best, but I can’t pick and choose!!!!!!!!!!  I have heard rumours of a four day holiday but they sound rather hopeful to me.


May 22nd

                                I really haven’t done much this week.  I don’t think I will get into the third eight, now, but I will, I hope, get into the 4th or Colts’ eight.  I think the sculling races start in about ten days time, but I am not quite sure.  But I know that they aren’t far off.  I am getting on fairly well with my work I think.

                                My spots are improving very much and the lotion is going fairly fast.  Do you think that could order another bottle of it and send it on one day.


May 26th

                                Thank you very much indeed for your nice letter.  It contained some very welcome news indeed about going back to Little Mount.

                                I haven’t done much this week really.  I had another game of croquet yesterday.  I have been doing a lot of sculling, but that is about all.  There is quite a chance now that I may not get into the Colts’ eight, but I don’t know exactly yet….Friday while rowing I got absolutely soaked to the skin, still I am no worse for it.  The sculling races are next week


June 3rd

                                I rowed my sculling race on Wednesday and lost, but the person I was racing was the winner, and I actually did the 3rd best time over the course.  I am very pleased at that.  I went out in the Colts’ VIII again on Tuesday, but I am still very doubtful as to whether I will be in it or not.  I hope I am.  We haven’t been out again since then because of the races.

                                There was a very good Sermon last Sunday by the Dean of Windsor.  I went to Communion this morning.


June 17th

                                I had a very nice letter from Uncle Tom[17]  last week enclosing a check for £5.  It was terribly kind of him.  It arrived on the Tuesday.. He said it was half what he would have given Michael.  I wrote back to him the same evening.

                                I have been going out in an VIII almost every day this week and we are getting on quite well.  We (that is the Colts’ VIII, which I think I am almost definitely in) are racing up at Oxford on the Wednesday after the week-end on which I will see you.  I went sculling a long way yesterday and have got a very sore behind at the present \moment and I hope it soon goes.  It is much better than it was.

                                I have got another bottle of calamine lotion for my spots.


July 8th

                                It is a lovely thought writing to Little Mount and I am longing to write the envelope!!  You seem to be going to lots of parties.

                                I am afraid that I was not able to get to Henley at all.  I was very disappointed indeed as I was longing to go.  I expect you have seen in the papers by now that we won the public schools race at Henley.  It was marvellous doing it.  We did the best time of any eight there.  it was the first time that our eight has beaten Eton in a straight race.  We might get some sort of Holiday for it.

                                I haven’t been doing any rowing this week.  The next races aren’t until the last six nights of term.  We race on the last four of them, bumping races.  I ought to be in the 2nd IV again.



July 15th

I have had quite a good week here and have been enjoying myself.  There was a terrific thunderstorm last night and I woke up and I have never seen such lightening.  It was blinding.  I got out of bed to watch it.

                                I went out to-day to a friend’s home with Soames and we had a very good time indeed and I did a lot of bathing in the afternoon and I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

                                The school exams start to-morrow and finish on Thursday and for the next four days we have ½ hour extra in  bed which is very nice.



July 22nd

                                What I would like to do is to have Granny to tea on the second day of the holidays, the Tuesday, if this would be possible.  I am sure she would love it and must see a lot of her these holidays. Do you think there would be any possibility of my getting a decent .22 rifle as I have Uncle Tom’s check, various other savings, altogether coming to about £11 and also there is my birthday and I think you can get a nice one for about £16 or so.

                                I have done quite a lot of rowing this week, preparing for the bumping races next week.  This is the last letter I shall write to you this term, but if you tell me in the letter which I hope you will write to me (!) what time the post arrives I might send you a post card by the Saturday post so that it will arrive home an hour before me (Just for fun).

                                I don’t think there is much more to say now, Oh!  We had all the school exams last week and in the two French exams I came once 4th once 3rd.  On an exam on a French book we had to prepare during the term I came top with 84/90 and the master gave me a prize, very unexpectedly, of ten shillings.  The only other exams I did were the German School Certificate in which I do not think I did too badly [18].




Winter Term 1945


Undated but must be first letter

                                I have arrived safe and sound and am quite happily settled in now.  It is not so bad to be back and everything is looking very nice.  My trunk and tuck box have not yet arrived here, but I am almost certain that they are down at the station.  My bike is here.  I had a very good journey here and I had an empty carriage to Reading.  All the fruit was very good and has now all gone P.S. Trunk and box arrived and unpacked and all safe.


October 7th

                                I am writing this at an exceedingly early hour as I forgot to put my watch back last night.  I got up nice and early to go to communion and then I realised what I had done.  It is a perfect nuisance but it can’t be helped!!

                                There is rather a lovely rhyme about a blackbird in the Tennyson which I am doing for Higher Cert. and I am going to enclose it, as I think it will amuse you.  (it was enclosed).


October 14th

                                All the week I have been doing more standards and I have run 440 yds in 60 secs, a ½ mile in 2.30, 100yds in 12, and 220 in29.  That’s about all.

                                I went into Oxford yesterday and enjoyed myself looking round.  I bought ‘Middlemarch’ by George Eliot, which I have got to do for Higher Cert., also ‘Jorrocks Jaunts and Jollities’ by Surtees, also my sweet ration and 55 .22 pellets for 3/-.  Could you ask Pa if he could clean the air-rifle and oil it, and if he could get a new barrel for it, which I think he do easily, because it needs it.

                                Soames has fracture his arm and he can’t play rugger any more, which is rather bad luck.


October 21st

                                I have at last started playing rugger and last week I played five times.  I am in second side, thus have a chance of getting into the 4th or 3rd XV.

                                I seem to be doing a lot more work this term than last; I am very happy.  It is very queer when it gets dark so early nowadays and for some reason reminds me of the Chauntry!!


October 28th

                                The news of Dennis is marvellous and I am longing for him to come home.  It is nice to know he will at least be home before Christmas.

                                There was a 3rd and a 4th XV match last week, but I only played in the 4th which means I am not much good, but better than quite a few people.  We lost 38-3 against St Edwards, who usually beat us.

                                We have got a field day to-morrow and we are going to look over an aerodrome near here.  It ought to be very good fun indeed.

                                I am afraid that the winder of my watch has come off again and that I have lost the winder.  So I will have to send it to you…what I am going to do without a watch I do not know.


Posted October 30th

                                I expect you will be very surprised to hear from\ me so soon, but so much has happened to-day that I thought you might like to hear from me again.

                                As I told you in my letter it was Field-day to-day.  Well we bicycled to the aerodrome at Culham which is an R.N. Air Station…..we proceeded to look over the whole aerodrome.  The workshops were very interesting indeed and they had some amazing tools and they were all beautifully laid out and equipped.

                                We looked over the armament section and saw 20mm cannons of Firefly and Seafire.  After that we went in a bus to\ the other side of the drome and looked over a Firefly and the Cockpit.  Just before going over we had had a glance at a Firefly and bits of radar equipment and at some Seafires, one of which was in bits.  It was extremely interesting indeed.  We looked at  Seafires and heard them being revved up and did they make a noise (2000 h.p.).

                                Then I found out that the thing I had been longing for was cancelled,\ namely to fly.  I had been longing to do it and it was almost certain that we would, but the R.A.F. Met said it was going to cloud over and rain, which to my intense annoyance it did not, but got finer and finer.


November 4th

                                On Wednesday the 3rd XV had a match against the 2nd XV and I was playing in the 3rd XV, which was very pleasing, even though we lost about 21.0.

                                But the main happenings of the week have been the Don’s plays.  I don’t think I have told you about them before so I will tell you.  Every year at All Saints week-end they give a series of sketches and a pantomime.  My first year they acted Alladdin, last year they ‘Dick Whittington at Radley’ and this year they did ‘Dick Whittington at Oxford’.  It was very good indeed.  As I was a stage hand , I was able to watch them 4 times, each time I enjoyed them immensely.  On Wednesday there was the dress rehearsal, which was most amusing and very good fun.  on Thursday there was a performance to the village, Friday to the lower half of the school and Saturday to the upper half of the school and to Old Radleians, as it is the week-end they all come down.  We got off Prep on Wednesday and Thursday night and after each performance we had a magnificent feast which was greatly appreciated.  We never got to bed till about 11.  It was all immensely enjoyable.


November 18th

                                It was lovely to ring up, and to hear Dennis speak even though I didn’t recognise his voice.  I ought to be with him for about a fortnight next holidays.  At least  I hope I can be.

                                I have played quite a lot of rugger, and I think I am the spare man for the 3rd XV.  There was a  3rd match yesterday, but as the whole team was there I wasn’t playing.

                                I am going to take up Spanish next term instead of Maths.



November 24th

                                                (The letter is full of details about travel arrangements so I can come home for the week-end to see Dennis).

                                                The social has bought  a machine very like an electrolux for cleaning  our studies and I was using it today.  It is a lovely thing called a Bylock New Triplex Vacuum Cleaner.  It has got a tremendous suction power, and seems to clean very well.

                                Sunday:                 I have had a very good day to-day and all the social plays have gone off very well and it has been very enjoyable watching them, which I have been able to do in spite of all my hard-work behind the scenes.  The social play that won was rather a dismal but well acted play, w2hich I did not enjoy very much.  I have done absolutely nothing to day except be at the stage.  The day has gone pretty quickly.  The plays were judged by a certain Mr George Rylands who you may have heard of, who produced Hamlet for John Gielgud in London last year.  Mr. Neville Coghill judged last year and Leslie Banks the year before.

[1] there were something under 50 boys in the social

[2] i.e. clothing ration points

[3] My father rode a bicycle to work for a time at the beginning of the war because of petrol rationing

[4] the American flying fortress bomber

[5] Junior Training Corps

[6] this was a national institution to train people in identifying enemy aircraft

[7] where all the first year boys in each social lived and did prep

[8] this must refer to Peter Sturges with whom I had a study and he lived at Long Wittenham

[9] one of the Southerndown family who was at Jesus and had been at Wellington

[10] Dennis was on leave having left the Ramillies but not knowing where his next ship was or would go.  Snottie is a rude word for midshipman.

[11] Presumably I was jealous that my parents were going without me but with Dennis

[12] I was mercilessly ragged for choosing a book about dogs rather than something highbrow

[13] A previous letter had been all about my failure to find a room in either Abingdon or Oxford for my mother and father and Dennis.  In this one I had obviously been up to London to see them.

[14] as opposed to the Classical

[15]   I had read ‘Berlin Diary’ last term.  What I most vividly remember about ‘The Last Train from Berlin’ is reading it in the bath for the best part of an hour.  Now we were sleeping at the Warden’s house life was much freer and I could stay in the bath for as long as I liked.

[16] My first ever jet!

[17] Tom Gummer, a childhood friend of my fathers, was Michael’s Godfather and Michael would have been 21 on June 13th

[18] I got a pass

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